Page 112 - English_Vocabulary_-_DK_English_for_Everyone_Neat (4)
P. 112
wash your face 4 wide 5 working 39, 41
wash your hair 4 wide range 74 working environment 39
washing line 11 widow 20 workplace 43
washing machine 11 widower 20 world of difference 24
washing up liquid 11 wife 20 worm 56
wasp 56 Wi-Fi 76 worried 19
watch 16 wild animals 55 wound 68
watch a movie 58 wind 51 wrap (sandwich) 28
watch television / TV 4, 58 wind farm 53 wrap up 40
watch your weight 70 wind power 53 wrench 12
water 32 windbreak 50 wrinkles 17
water cooler 37 window 9 write 58
water the flowers 12 window seat 47 writer 34
water the plants 11 window shopping 73 writing 25
waterfall 52 windsurfing 50, 60 written communication 43
watermelon 29 windy 51
waterproofs 49 wine 32 X
wave (gesture) 14 wing (airplane / aeroplane) 44
wave (water) 50, 52 wing (bird) 28, 56 X-ray 69
wavy hair 17 wink 14
wear 15 winter 3 Y
weather 51, 66 win-win situation 41
weather forecast 66 wipers 45 yacht 44
website 7 wire 76 yak 55
Wednesday 3 wireless 76 yard (garden) 9
weeding 12 withdraw money 38 yard (measurement) 46
week 3 witness 27 yawn 14
weekend 3 wok 10 year 3
weekly 3 wolf 55 yellow 5
weights 71 women’s wear 74 yellow card 61
well-being 71 wonderful 6 yoga 58, 71
west 46 wood (landscape) 52 yogurt 28
western 65 wood (material) 5 yolk 28
wet 51 wooden spoon 10 young 17
wet suit 50 woodpecker 56 yo-yo 22
wet wipe 22 wool 5
whales 57 woolen / woollen 15 Z
what the future holds 77 word of mouth 26
wheel 45 work 4, 59 zebra 55
wheel clamp 45 work from home 35 zip / zipper 15, 16
wheelbarrow 12 work full-time 35 zip code 7
whisk (action) 33 work opportunities 75 zucchini 30
whisk (equipment) 10 work out 71
whiskers 54 work overtime 4
whisper 59 work part-time 35
white 5 work shifts 35
white-collar crime 27 work well under pressure 43
The publisher would like to thank:
Sarah Edwards, Carrie Lewis, Daniel Mills, Aisvarya Misra, and Christine Stroyan for editorial assistance; Rabia Ahmad, Debjyoti
Mukherjee, and Sonakshi Singh for design assistance; Simon Mumford for national flags; Viola Wang for additional illustration;
Steph Lewis for proofreading; Elizabeth Wise for indexing; Christine Stroyan for audio recording management; and ID Audio for
audio recording and production.
340-360_Bilingual_word_lists_Ack_UK_and_US.indd 360 22/09/2017 11:30