Page 21 - Sach gia khoa tieng Anh lop 7 thi diem tap 1_Neat
P. 21
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Look at the article on the Teen Health
Grammar website. Fill in the blanks to complete
Imperatives with more and less. their top six health tips.
We asked doctors and health experts around the
We can use the imperative for direct world for their top health tips. Do you want to
commands, orders or suggestions. know how you can stay healthy? Then read on!
do more exercise
eat more fruit/vegetables Hom S Serviceservices Resour Contact
sleep more
wash your hands more
eat less junk food
sunbathe less Welcome to Teen Health
watch less TV
spend less time playing computer games 1_______________ 2_______________
Staying in shape is Getting plenty of rest
Look at the pictures. Which health tips our most important is really important!
from the box above would you give to tip. You can play It helps you to
each of these people? football, or even go avoid depression
and it helps you
b for long walks. It’s
concentrate at school.
OK, but make sure
You’ll also be fresher
a it’s three times a in the mornings!
week or more!
3_______________ 4_______________
You are what you It’s so easy to get
eat! So make sure fl u. We should all try
it’s healthy food like to keep clean more.
fruits and vegetables, Then fl u will fi nd it
not junk food. It can harder to spread!
help you to avoid
obesity too.
5_______________ 6_______________
There are some Finally, at number 6,
great things to we all love them,
d but many of us need
watch. But too
to spend less time
much isn’t good for
playing computer
c you or your eyes. games! Limit your
time to just an hour
Top health tips for teens
or two, two or three
Look at the health tips in the yellow box. Which days a week, or less!
six do you think are most important to you and
your classmates? Explain why.
Unit 2 Health 19