Page 18 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 18

a  Find a word/phrase in the conversation that   3 Fill each blank with a word/phrase from the list.
           1.  made a decision: ______                       luggage   price    in advance   seaside resort
           2.   reduced it: ______                           delayed    souvenirs   destination    accommodation
           3.   a trip where your travel and hotels are arranged
              for you: ______                                Most  people  enjoy  travelling  abroad,  and
           4.   move around and discover things: ______      having the chance to stay in an exotic city or
           5.   something you don’t really like: ______      a  (1)______.  You  can  meet  new  people,  learn
                                                             new things, and take home some interesting
           Watch out!                                        (2)______.  But  before  you  can  do  that,  you
                                                             have  to  reach  your  (3)______,  and  that  can
           To be into sth means you like it very much.       sometimes be a challenge! You need to make
           Example:                                          lots  of  preparation.  You  will  probably  have
              ‘I’m really into sur ng!’ (I love it.)        to  reserve  a  seat  (4)______  on  planes,  trains
              ‘I’m not into jazz.’ (I don’t listen to it.)   or buses. If you fl y, you may fi nd that your
           To picture sth/sb means you can imagine it.       fl ight has been (5)______ or you have problems
           Example:                                          with your (6)______. In addition to the travel,
              ‘I can just picture the mess at home.’         it is oft en diffi  cult to fi nd good (7)______ at a
              ‘I can’t picture Tom in a business suit.’      (8)______ which you can aff ord. Nevertheless,
                                                             most people love to go on holiday.
           Lucky you is used to show that you think sb is lucky
           because she/he has sth or is able to do sth.
                                                          4  QUIZ
           b  Tick ( ) true (T) or false (F).               Give the names of the following. Choose one
                                               T   F         and talk about it with a partner.
            1.  Chau  and  Nick  are  going  to  have
               their winter holiday.
            2.  A package tour is not interesting to
            3.  Chau  is  teasing  her  friend  about
               eating frogs’ legs.
            4.  Nick has decided to stay at a seaside
               resort in Japan.
            5.  Nick’s parents are very controlling.
                                                          1.  The  city  in  Viet  Nam  where  the  International
           c  Answer the following questions.                Fireworks Festival is held annually
           1.  What does ‘Oh, they’re cool’ mean?
                                                          2.   A structure near Beijing, China, that is one of the
           2.   What is the weather like in France in the summer?  New7Wonders of the World
           3.   What would Nick like to do in France?     3.   An island in Korea that is a popular place for a
           4.   What wouldn’t Nick like to do in France?     holiday
           5.   How do we know that Chau’s parents don’t allow   4.   A local product that you would like to introduce
              her as much freedom as Nick’s parents?         to foreign visitors

           2  Collocation: Which word goes with which list   5.   A  custom  of  your  locality  that  might  surprise
              below?                                         tourists
                                                          6.   Advice that you would like to give to a tourist
              TOUR      HOLIDAY    RESORT       TRIP         visiting your area

           1.  summer, package, adventure  _________________
           2.   holiday, tourist, seaside    _________________
           3.   sightseeing, guided, package    _________________
           4.   boat, day, business     _________________

                Unit 8/ Tourism
           20   Unit 8/ Tourism
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