Page 19 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 19

A CLOSER LOOK 1                               Look out!
                                                           A compound noun can be written as a single
                                                           word (motorbike), a word with a hyphen
            Vocabulary                                     (passer-by), or two words (driving licence).

            1 Match each word/phrase with a de nition.

               trip          travel     expedition        3 Use  the  words  below  to  complete  the
               resort        tour       tour guide           compound nouns that match the de nitions.

            1.   A journey, usually for pleasure, to visit di erent   lag   in   season    over   back   stop
               places: ______
            2.   A  place  where  a  lot  of  people  go  on  holiday:   1.  A feeling of tiredness and confusion about time
               ______                                        after a long plane journey: jet ______
            3.   The act or activity of moving from one place to   2.   A  disadvantage  or  problem  that  makes
               another: ______                               something a less attractive idea: draw ______
            4.   A person who shows tourists around: ______  3.   A short stay somewhere between two parts of a
            5.   A  short  journey  to  a  place,  especially  one  for   journey: stop ______
               pleasure: ______                           4.   A  popular  time  of  the  year  for  holidays:  peak
            6.   An organised journey to a place that is not easy   ______
               to reach:  ______                          5.   The place where you go  rst when you arrive at
                                                             an airport, to show your ticket: check ______
            2  Fill each blank with a word from the list. There
               are two extra words.                       6.   A place at the side of a road marked with a sign,
                                                             where buses stop: bus ______
               visit    travel   environment   holiday   book  4 Complete the sentences using the compound
               guides   pleased    excursion   reasonable   trip  nouns below.
               Would you like to explore an exciting location?   swimming pool   touchdown   check-out
                                                              swimming pool
                                                              swimming pool  touchdown   checkout
               Do  you  want  to  (1)______  to  a  beautiful,   pile-up    mix-up      full board
                                                                                         full board
                                                                                         full board
               relaxing  beach,  and  help  to  save  the
               environment?  If  the  answer  is  yes,  then  you   1.  The ______ time is 12 noon at this hotel.
               should  (2)______  your  holiday  with  EcoTours!   2.   Let’s  make  sure  that  we  stay  at  a  hotel  with  a
               At  EcoTours,  we  help  you  enjoy  your  holiday   ______.
               and learn more about the places you (3)______.   3.   There  was  a  ______  with  our  tickets  –  we  were
               In addition, EcoTours gives one dollar of the cost   charged for one-way tickets and not a round trip.
               of your trip to help protect the local (4)______.   4.   The motorway was blocked because there had
               Call us today to talk with one of our experienced   been a ______.
               tour (5)______. We’ll help you choose and plan a   5.   After  ______,  please  remain  seated  until  the
               stimulating  (6)______  that  is  right  for  you!  Our   aircraft comes to a standstill outside the terminal
               holidays are de nitely not boring. Don’t worry   building.
               about  the  cost.  Our  prices  are  very  (7)______.   6.   At the hotel, you can choose between bed and
               Call  right  now  at  (048)  555-6788.  You’ll  be   breakfast, and ______.
               (8)______ with your EcoTours vacation.
              Compound Nouns                                  Verb       +  Particle  checkout
               A compound noun is a noun that is made of two
               or more words. Compound nouns can be formed    Verb-ing   +  Noun      driving licence
               using the following combinations:
                                                              Adjective  +  Noun      greenhouse
                 Noun      +  Noun      toothpaste            Particle   +  Noun      underground

                 Noun      +  Verb      rainfall              Particle   +  Verb      output
                 Noun      +  Particle  passer-by
                                                             Note: A particle is a preposition or an adverb.

           21   Unit 8/ Tourism
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