Page 13 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 13


           Listening                                      4  If  a  visitor  has  a  day  to  spend  in  your

              4Teen radio is asking diff erent students about   hometown/city,  where  will  you  advise
                                                             him/her  to  go? What  can  they  do  there?
              their places of interest.                      Work  in  pairs,  discuss  and  take  notes  of
                                                             your ideas.
           1  Describe what you see in each picture. Do you
              know what places they are?                          Places               Activities
                                                           Place 1: _______________  _______________________

                                                           Place 2: _______________  _______________________
                                                           Place 3: _______________  _______________________

                                                          5  Imagine that your Australian pen friend is
                                                             coming to Viet Nam and will spend a day
                                              C              in your hometown/city. He/She has asked
                       A                                     for your advice on the places of interest
                                                             they should go to and the things they can
                                                             do there.
                                                             Write  an  email  to  give  him/her  some

                Listen and check your answers.en and check your answers.

           2  Listen to what these students say and decide
              if the statements are true (T) or false (F).    From:
           1.   Tra is interested in history.
           2.   Nam likes making things with his hands.       To:
           3.   Nam’s family owns a workshop in Bat Trang.    Subject:       Places of interest in my hometown/city
           4.   The trees in the garden only come from provinces
              of Viet Nam.                                     Dear ___________,
           5.   Hoa loves nature and quietness.                _____________________________________________
           3  Listen again and complete the table. Use no      _____________________________________________
              more than three words for each blank.
             Student  Place of interest  Activities            _____________________________________________

                           Viet Nam National  -   Seeing various (1)______  _____________________________________________
                     Museum of    -   Looking round and (2) ____  _____________________________________________
                           Tra History                         _____________________________________________
                     Bat Trang pottery  -    Learning  to  (3)______ and
                     village        (4) ______                 Look forward to seeing you soon!
                         Nam                                   Best wishes,
                     Ha  Noi  Botanical  -   Climbing up (5)______  ___________
                     Garden       -   Reading (6)______
                                  -   Feeding (7) ______
                         Hoa      -   (8)______ people

           13   Unit 1/ Local Environment
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