Page 14 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 14

                                                          3  Complete  the  passage  with  the  words/
                                                             phrases from the box.
           Vocabulary                                       looked       team-building        zoo      lunch

           1  Write  some  traditional  handicrafts  in  the   interest     looking forward to     craft     museum
              word web below.
                                                             Last week we had a memorable trip to a new (1)______ on the
                                                             outskirts of the city. We were all (2)______ the trip. There are lots
                                2. ______                    of wild animals, and they are looked after carefully. Each species
                    1. ______
                                                             is kept in one big compound and the animals look healthy. After
                                           3. ______         we (3)______ round the animal zone, we gathered on a big lawn
                                                             at the back of the zoo. There we played some (4) ______ games
              8. ______                                      and sang songs. Then we had a delicious (5)______ prepared by
                            Handicrafts     4. ______        Nga and Phuong. In the afternoon, we walked to a (6)______
                                                             nearby. There is a big collection of handicrafts made by di erent
                                                             (7) ______ villages. I’m sure that the zoo will be our new place of
             7. ______                                       (8)______.

                                     5. ______            Grammar

                        6. ______                         4  Complete  the  complex  sentences  with  your
                                                             own ideas.
                                                          1.   Although  this  village  is  famous  for  its  silk
           2  Complete  the  second  sentence  in  each  pair   products, ____________________________________.
              by putting the correct form of a verb from the   2.   Many  people  love  going  to  this  park  because
              box into each blank.                           ______________________________________________.
                                                          3.   Since _________________________, foreign tourists
                carve                cast          weave         often buy traditional handicrafts.
                embroider              knit         mould       4.   Moc Chau is a popular tourist attraction when
           1.   The  artisan  made  this  statue  by  pouring  hot   5.   This weekend we’re going to the cinema in order
              liquid bronze into a mould.                    that _________________________________________.
           →  The artisan  _____________ this statue in bronze.    5  Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the
           2.   I’m decorating a cloth picture with a pattern of   phrasal  verb  in  brackets.  You  may  have  to
              stitches, using coloured threads.              change the form of the verb.
           →  I’m _____________ a picture.                1.   I  don’t  remember  exactly  when  my  parents
           3.   They made baskets by crossing strips of bamboo   started this workshop.
              across, over, and under each other.            (set up) ______________________________________.
           →  They _____________ baskets out of bamboo.   2.   We have to try harder so that our handicrafts can
           4.   My mum made this sweater for me from wool    stay equal with theirs.
              thread by using two bamboo needles.            (keep up with) _______________________________.
           →  My mum _____________ a wool sweater for me.  3.   What time will you begin your journey to Da Lat?
           5.   He made this fl ower by cutting into the surface      (set off ) _____________________________________?
              of the wood.                                4.   We arranged to meet in front of the lantern shop
           →  He _____________ this fl ower from wood.       at 8 o’clock, but she never arrived.
                                                             (turn up) ____________________________________.
           6.   I took some clay and used my hands to make it
              into a bowl shape.                          5.   The  artisans  in  my  village  can  earn  enough
                                                             money from basket weaving to live.
           →  I _____________ the clay into the desired shape.
                                                             (live on) _____________________________________.

           14   Unit 1/ Local Environment
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