Page 47 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 47


           Listening                                      3  Make a list of the facilities you are using for
                                                             your  studies  nowadays.  Then  tick  ( )  the
                                                             one(s)  you  think  was/were  not  available
                                                             about twenty years ago.
                                                             Present facilities for studies:
                                                             1. ______________________________________________

                                                             2. ______________________________________________
                                                             3. ______________________________________________

           1  An old man is talking about his school days.
              Listen and decide if the statements are true
              (T), false (F), or not given (NG).

                     Statements           T   F   NG

            1.     The  school  had  classes  for
               diff erent age groups.
            2.    All the subjects were taught
               by one teacher.
            3.    Some  students  didn’t  wear
               shoes to school.
            4.    Students  didn’t  have  exams
              because they would cost too
            5.    Students could talk to their
               teacher whenever they                      4  Choose one facility which was not available
               wanted to.                                    twenty years ago and write a short description
            6.    The  teacher  didn’t  give                 of how students in the past studied without
               students any homework.                        that facility.
                                                             In your writing, you should include:

           2  Listen  again  and  fi ll  the  blanks  with  the      - what facility it is
              correct information.                           - what it is used for
           1.   Number of students: ____________________________.     - how students did the job in the past when they
                                                                didn’t have it
           2.   Some students went to school __________________.
                                                             - how you feel about the change
           3.   Lessons focused on: reading, writing, ___________
              and  _____________________________________________.
           4.   The school was small but it had _________________.  ___________________________________________.
           5.  The students had no homework, no ____________.  ___________________________________________.


           47   Unit 4/ Life in the Past
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