Page 48 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 48


                                                          3  Write true sentences about the practice of the
           Vocabulary                                        following things in the past, using used to and
                                                             didn’t use to.
           1  Choose the best answer A, B, or C to complete
              the sentences.                              1.   men/bread winner of the family
                                                          → _________________________________________________
           1.   The  children  in  my  home  village  used  to  go
              ______, even in winter. Now they all have shoes.  2.   women/go to work
                                                          → _________________________________________________
              A. on foot   B. bare-footed  C. playing around
                                                          3.   people/travel/on holiday
           2.   There  is  usually  a  ______  gap  between  the  old
              and  the  young,  especially  when  the  world  is   → _________________________________________________
              changing so fast.                           4.   families/be/nuclear
              A. generation  B. value   C. age            → _________________________________________________
           3.   Every nation has respect for their long-preserved   5.   people/make banh chung at Tet/themselves
              ______.                                     → _________________________________________________
              A. behaviours  B. practices   C. traditions  6.   children/play outdoor games
                                                          → _________________________________________________
           4.   In Viet Nam, ______ often refers to age and social
              position, not to wealth.
                                                          4  Read  these  situations  and  write  wishes  you
              A. seniority   B. tradition   C. generation    want to make for them.
           5.   Giving lucky money to the young and the old at   1.   Your village does not have access to clean piped
              Tet is a common ______ in many Asian countries.  water.
              A. behavior   B. practice   C. tradition       I wish __________________________________________.
                                                          2.   Your school is on the other side of a river, and
           2a Match the verbs in A with their defi nitions    you have to cross the river by boat twice a day
                in B.                                        to school.
                    A                    B                   I wish __________________________________________.
                                                          3.   There is no organisation for social activities for
                                                             teenagers in your town.
            1.   act out      a.   bring together
                                                             I wish __________________________________________.
            2.   preserve     b.   perform                  4.   You are interested in basketball but you are not
            3.   collect      c.   bring enjoyment           tall enough for the sport.
            4.   entertain    d.   no longer exist           I wish __________________________________________.
            5.   die out      e.   keep alive             5.   In your area, there are only two seasons: dry and
                                                             wet. You love autumn and spring.
           b  Use  the  verbs  in  A  in  their  correct  forms  to      I wish __________________________________________.
              complete the sentences.
                                                          5  Look  at  the  picture  and  fi nish  the  boy’s
           1.   Small children like listening to and ______ stories.  wishes.
           2.   Hand-writing a letter is a pastime that is
              beginning to ______. I’m already beginning to
              miss it.
           3.  Should we try to ______ every custom or tradition
              which is in danger of dying out?
           4.   He’s ______ data for his book Values in the Past.

           5.   She  often  ______  her  children  by  telling  them   1.   I wish _______________.  3.   I wish _______________.
              stories and acting them out.                2.   I wish _______________.  4.   I wish _______________.

           48   Unit 4/ Life in the Past
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