Page 123 - Speak_Now_1_SB_Neat
P. 123
Tom: No problem. Listening, Part A and B
Maria: What are you guys cooking Tom: Hi, Jung-hwa.
for dinner? Jung-hwa: Oh, hey Tom. It's Monday
Tom: We're not sure. Do you guys eat morning-again.
many vegetables? Tom: Yeah. How was your weekend?
Jill: Yes, I eat vegetables every day. Jung-hwa: Oh, I had a great weekend. I went co
Maria: Actually, I never eat vegetables. a soccer game on Saturday afternoon
I don't like chem. with my friend. Her cousin played in a
Tom: Hm. OK. What about chicken? game. T h en we went shopping.
Maria: I usually eat chicken. Tom: Did you buy anything?
Jill: I try not co eat a lot of meat. Jung-hwa: I didn't, but my friend did. She got
Tom: What about potatoes? some new shoes. An yw ay, then we had
Jill/Maria: W e both don't eat potatoes. dinner in a really nice restaurant. And
Tom: Hm . . . OK ... I chink I know what co she paid. Jc was a nice surprise.
make. We have everything we need, Tom: And what about yesterday?
and I know everyone will like it. Jung-hwa: I just watched TV lase night.
Jill: What is it? Tom: I watched TV last night, coo.
Tom: I can't tell you. It's a surprise. Jung-hwa: So you had a nice weekend?
Maria: What's it taste like? Tom: It was so-so. I went to my favorite
Tom: Not coo sal ty and not coo sweet. restaurant for lunch, and then
lc's delicious. played tennis.
Eric: What's in it? Jung-hwa: It sounds like you had a fun weekend!
Tom: Tomatoes, cheese, noodles ... Who did you play tennis with?
Eric/Jill/: Pasta! Tom: With my brother. le was fun, but I
Maria didn't win. It wasn't even close!
Tom: T h at's right! How did you guys know?
Eric: Pasta.
Conversation, Part A
LESSON 29 Sarah: Hello.
Conversation, Part A Terry: Sarah?· Hi, it's Terry.
Erica: How was your weekend, Jun? Sarah: Hey, Terry. What's up?
Jun: It was great. I worked all day on Saturday, Terry: Actually, I called you lase night.
but on Sunday, I met some friends. Sarah: Oh? What time did you call?
Erica: T h at sounds fun. Terry: W e ll, I called three times between 9:00
Jun: Yeah. We went co the mall and had lunch. and 10:00.
Erica: Did you go shopping? Sarah: Oh, I went co a movie, so I turned off my
Jun: No, I didn't. How about you? How was phone. What did you wane co talk about?
your weekend? Terry: I needed your help with yesterday's
Erica: le was OK. I stayed home and studied for homework. I scarred it yesterday afternoon
today's history test. and worked on it until 11 :00 last night.
Jun: History test?