Page 125 - Speak_Now_1_SB_Neat
P. 125
Donna: It was. We were in Chiang Mai and we LESSONS 29-32 ENGLISH IN ACTION
did a three-day trip into the rainforest. Eric: Hi, Jill.
le was so beautiful, and my elephant was Jill: Hi, Eric.
really friendly. Bue then it started co rain. Eric: How's it going? How was your weekend in
And it rained and rained. So, we stayed Washington, D.C.?
inside for two days. Jill: Fantastic! It was really a great time.
Rich: How terrible. Eric: Oh yeah? W h at did you do there?
Donna: Oh, it was OK. I just wanted to rest. Jill: Well, first, I cook a bus tour of che city.
Rich: So, wh;:ir did you do after that? le really is such a beautiful place-so many
Donna: You won't believe this. interesting buildings and monuments.
Rich: W h at? I love the Washington Monument.
Donna: I took a cooking class. I now know how Eric: Yeah. The monument is incredible.
to make Thai food. Jill: Then I went co the Smithsonian Museum.
Rich: That's fantastic! You know, I love There's always so much stuff to see there.
Thai food. So, um, do you, um Eric: Yeah, I saw a great dinosaur exhibition the
Donna: Yes? last time I was there. le was fantastic.
Rich: Do you want to show me your Jill: Wow! After chat, I decided co walk to the
new skills? Lincoln Memorial, bur then it started co
Donna: Of course, I ' l l cook for you. rain and I got completely wet.
How about this weekend? Eric: How awful!
Jill: No, it was OK. I went back co my hotel,
LESSON 32 changed my clothes, and went out again
Conversation, Part A later, this time with an umbrella!
Reid: Alan, I can't wait for the weekend. Eric: Good thinking.
Alan: Oh yeah? W h at are your plans, Reid? Jill: That night, I went to a classical concert.
Reid: I'm going to go over co Mark's co watch How about you? W h at did you do
the tennis finals. Are you planning to last weekend?
watch chem? Eric: Not much really. I worked all day
Alan: No. I'm going co help Sylvia move. on Saturday. On Sunday, T o m and
Reid: That's nice. What are you going to do I played tennis.
on Sunday? Jill: Oh, you exercised!
Alan: I'm going co stay home and read. How Eric: Yep. After that we went to a movie.
about you? We saw the new James Bond film.
Reid: I'm going to go to the science museum. Jill: You did? How was it?
They have a new robots display. Want Eric: It was great! Then we went shopping.
co come? Jill: Did you buy anything?
Alan: Sure! Eric: Yeah, I got this video camera. It was $500,
but I got it on sale for only$ I 75. You won't
believe what I got on this yideo camera.