Page 5 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 5

16    Questions and question tags        Questions: subject and object questions; What + noun; How+                 93
                                                    adjective; What...for?;
                                                    Question tags
           17 Relative clauses and                  Defining relative clauses: who/that/which/whose/where;                     98
                 exclamatory sentences                 omission of relative pronoun
                                                    Non-defining relative clauses
                                                    Exclamatory sentences: How + opinion adjective;
                                                       What + adjective/noun

           Revision5     Units 16-17                                                                                           103
           18    Zero and first conditional         Zero conditional                                                           107
                                                    First conditional; if/unless

           19 Second andthird conditional           Second conditional                                                         112
                                                    Third conditional

           20    Be glad, wish, if only,            Wish and if only with past tenses; be glad/pleased (that)                  117
                 would rather                       Wish +  would; would rather + past simple
           Revision 6    Unit 18-20                                                                                            122

           21    Comparative and superlative        Comparative and superlative adjectives; not as                       126
                 forms                              Comparative and superlative adverbs

           22    Adjectives and adverbs of          Position of adjectives; present participleadjectives;                      131
                 degree                                past participle adjectives
                                                    Order of adjectives
                                                    Adverbs of degree: very/really/rather/quite

           23    Adverbs: frequency, manner,        Adverbs of frequency                                                       136
                 place andtime                      Adverbs of manner,time and place

           24    So and such                        So +  adjective/adverb/quantifier; such +     adjective  +                 141

           Revision7      Units 21-24                                                                                          144
           25    Prepositions of time, place        Prepositions of time                                                       148
                 and movement                       Prepositions of place
                                                    Prepositions of movement

           26    Linking words                      Prepositions and conjunctions: while/when/so/even though/                  154
                                                    As and like

           27    Present and past simple            Active and passive                                                         157
                 passive                            Present simple passive
                                                    Past simple passive

           28    Future simple passiveand           Future simple passive                                                      162
                 might                              Passive with might + be/get
           29    Have something done                Have something done: various tenses and different modal verbs              166

           Revision 8     Units 25-29                                                                                          169

           30    Phrasal verbs                      Phrasalverbs with object/no object                                         173
                                                    Phrasalverbs with get/give/go/put/take
           Revision 9 All units                                                                                                176

          Extra information                                                                                                    180

          Reference                                                                                                            189
          Irregular verb list                                                                                                  1 92

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