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Countable and uncountable nouns;articles
I can usecountable and uncountable nouns;I can use articles.
Countable and uncountable nouns
We use uncountable nouns to talk about substances
and forces which can't be counted: rice, water,
My uncle's aw explorer. He's climbed weather, electricity, space.
Moui-vt Everest, crossed the cÿobi desert,
riddenacross the iÿSA oi-v a motorbike avuA This includes many
travelled across Africa ivÿ a hot air balloon foods and liquids:cheese, meat,butter,sugar, milk,
but he's vÿever sailed a yvy of the tafees or juice
seas of the world. man-madeand natural materials:glass, glue, wood,
general ideas: wealth, information,beauty,advice,
grouping words: furniture, traffic,accommodation,
feelings: happiness, sadness, confusion
Uncountable nouns don't have plural forms. We can
often use a countable noun + of before them to
express quantity.
a drop a slice a block ajar
of water of cheese of ice ofjam
He hates water!
Some more examples include:a kiloofrice, a piece
of information,a feeling ofsadness.
Some nouns can be countable or uncountable,with
different meanings.
Put newspaperon the floor. (= material, U)
Canyou get mea newspaper?(= object, C)
Sorry, we haven't got time for lunch. (= general idea, U)
Ringthe bellthree times (=event, action, C)
Plants needlightandwater. (= natural force, U)
We use countable nounsto talk about things (people, Howmanylightshaveyou gotinyour bedroom?
animals, objects, ideas, events) which we can count. (= object, C)
Countable nouns have singular and plural forms. You've got applejuice onyour shirt. (= liquid, U)
friend-» friends class-» classes family -» families Wouldyou likean applejuice? (= a glass of apple
tomato -> tomatoes wife -» wives juice, C)
There are some irregular plural forms. Other nouns which can be uncountable or countable
man-» men woman -» women child-> children include business, exercise, experience, glass, hair,iron,
person -> people foot -» feet tooth-» teeth life, noise, sport.
sheep-» sheep mouse -> mice goose -> geese
radio -» radios
6 Countable and uncountable nouns; articles