Page 11 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 11


                   I can describe quantity; Ican talk about problems of quantity.

          (Not) much, (not) many,several, lots, a lot of, (a) few, (a) little

                                                                                  B.ut Loote! Tfoere are oiÿLy  a coupLe  of
                                                                                  biscuits, a  few  cris-ps  aiÿd a bit  of
                                                                                  appLejuice, lhat Isuv't ewugkl

                                                                                o\\ dear ... too
                                                                                f ríemete, i/vot eiÿouc0h

                  There's ewugk    food for every o vÿt.
                  we've got Lots  of  biscuits, Lots  of
                  crisps  avÿd Lots  of appLejuice.

             We often use some and any with countable and                   To talk about very large quantities we use a lot of/
             uncountable nouns,but when we want to give more                 lots of  + noun (countable or uncountable).
             information about quantities, we use other quantifiers.         There were lotsof/a lot ofpeopleot thepark.
                                                                             We've got lotsof/alotoftime.
              uncountable nouns
                                                                             We can use a lot on its own.
              much       a little/a bit of   little/not much                 350people?That's a lot!

                                                                            To talk about quite large numbers - about three or
              uncountable nounsand plural countable nouns                    four - we can use several   +  countable noun.

              lots of/a lot of    no                                         Severalpeoplewant to buy this house.
                                                                             I'vespoken toJim severaltimes.

              plural countable nouns                                        To talk about small quantities we can use a couple
                                                                             of countable noun and a bit of      +  uncountable noun.
              many       a couple of     several
                                                                             We needa couple ofplates. (=two)
              few/not many        a few
                                                                             There's a bitofwater on the floor. (= a small amount )
                                                                             We can also use (a) little and (a) few.
             In questions about quantity we use much and many.
             Were there manypeopleat the park?                               A few and a little have a positive meaning.
             Howmuch time do wehave?                                         It'sOK. We stillhavealittle water.
                                                                            Areyouhungry?Ithink I havea few biscuitsin mybag.
             We also use much and many in negative sentences.
             There aren't many cups.                                         Fewand little (without a) have a negativemeaning.
             I don't needmuch time.                                          I'mafraidI'vemadelittleprogress this afternoon.
                                                                             Theyplanteda lotofseeds butfew plantsgrew.

                                                                                                                               Unit 2    11
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