Page 14 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 14
*1C Complete the sentences with too much, too many *11 Add for or to to these sentences.
or enough. ÿ Ihope we've got enough paint for this wall.
ÿ You've got too mflnu j clothes.You never 1 Is there enough room _ my bag?
wear them! _ 2 There are enough chairs ten people.
1 There were people in the room. 3 There isn't enough ink print that.
It felt very crowded. 4 We haven't got enough time _ go to the
2 Are we going to have time? shops and the museum.
It's getting late. 5 I'msorry, but I haven't got enough _ you.
3 There aren't _ books, I'mafraid. 6 There wasn't enough light _ me _
You'll have to share. see the words on the page.
4 I've eaten _ chocolate! I feel ill!
5 You've put .things inthis suitcase.
Ican't close it.
6 You can make a skirt with this material,but there
isn't _ for a dress.
How should your school spend some Ithli/Ue the school should buy some
money? Readthe task instructions. i/vew computers with the mo iA<ey.
1 Your school hasjust won £2,000 in prize money.
htow macvy? just a couple or a lot?
They want to know what students think about
how they should use the money.
Maybe four.
2 Look at the options in the table. Make your own
decision, then talk in pairs.Work with two other T£i/v computers ... "Tfoflt's £,±,000 -
too much moiÿey, IthifUe.
pairs and reach a decision as a group.
your pair's your group's
sptten east ysurderéisn ¡ decision decision
Pay for improvements to Yes or no? What things?
the school grounds - more £100-£2000 How much?
benches, trees and flowers f
Yes or no? How many
Buy new computers for the £250 for one
school computer
Buy new sports equipment Yes or no? How much?
for the school f
Invitea famous person to Yes or no? Who?
come and speak to the school f
Organize a trip for 40 pupils
£1000 £
to a national sporting event
Organize a trip for two pupils
to an internationalsporting £2000 £
Save some money for next Yes or no? How much?
year f
Another idea f
Total cost f f f
14 Quantifiers