Page 13 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 13

Too much,too many,enough/not enough

             We use too much, too many and not enough to talk and ask about problems of quantity.

                                                                               +++ ®            too many + pluralcountable noun

                                                                              You ask too many questions!

                                                                               +++ ©            too much + uncountable noun

                                                                              There's too much water in the bath.

                                                                                                enough +    pluralcountable or
             Thereare too many chairs.                                                          uncountable nounand questions
                                                                               I've got enough space.
                                                                               Have you got enough batteries?
                                                                               Are there enough books?

                                                                                                not enough    +  plural countable
                                                                                                noun or uncountable noun

                                                                               Ihaven't had enough breakfast.
                                                                               He hasn't bought enough apples.
             Thereare enough chairs.
                                                                             We pronounce enough as /i'nAÍ/.

                                                                             We often use for + noun or pronoun after enough.
                                                                             There's enough foodfor them.
                                                                             We can also add a to-infinitive to enough to add

                                                                             more information.
                                                                             I haven't got enoughmoney to buyitnow.

                                                                             We can combine enough       + noun + for +   pronoun   +
                                                                             to + infinitive.
             Therearen'tenough chairs.                                       There won't beenough time for us to havelunch.
                                                                             Thereare enough chairs for everyone to sit down.
             We can use them without a noun when the meaning
             is clear.                                                       We can also use too and enough with adjectives.
             I can't eatall this food!Ithink I'vetaken too much.             It's too cold! It'snot bigenough!
             The food's nearlyallgone. We haven'tgot enough!

                ©2.2 Listen.What are they talking about?           fEa          9 O 2.3 Circle the correct option.Then listenand »
                Match speakers 1-6 to a-f.                         ÿ1ÿ             check.
                a a holiday            i                                           ÿ  There are too many / much programs on
                b a bag              _                                                this computer.                                       O
                c a restaurant       _                                             1 Have you got enough / too much rice, or would
                d an ice-cream                                                        you like some more?
                e a planejourney     _                                             2 There isn't sugar enough / enough sugar to
                f a film             _                                                make a cake.
                                                                                   3 He's got too much /many spare time!
           *8 O2.2 Listen again. Iseach person happy or L                          4 Is there enough hot water for / to mefor / to
                unhappy? Draw©or®.                                                    have a bath?
                1 ©       2  _     3  _     4  _      5  _     6  _                5 We don't need any more paper. We've got
                                                                                      enough /enough paper.
                                                                                   6 Don't eat any more biscuits. You've already had
                                                                                      too many biscuits / too many.

                                                                                                                               Unit 2    13
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