Page 12 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 12

4            What do you need? Discuss the questions
           *  1 Complete the description with the quantifiers in
                the box.                                                           ÍÉÉÉr jn pajrS/ usjng quantifiers,the words in
                                                                                             the box and your own ideas.
                  several   a couple of    a few                 O
                                                                                     bread butter      a cloth   eggs    flour   fruit
                ÿ  We've got several bottles, a    few    glasses and                gift wrap   glue    matches     paper   ribbon
                   a coupie  of  spoons.                                             salt  scissors   soap sticky tape      string   sugar
                                                                                    tennis balls tennis rackets      water    wood
                  many several       much
                1 We had            pots of paint but didn't have                               What do you need ...
                   _ paintbrushes and we didn't have            _
                                                                                    to play tennis?
                  a little  a lot of several   a few
                                                                                          make a picnic for 20 people?

                2 Only  _        people came to the meeting,but
                   we only had
                   _             _       space because there was                 .. to wash a very dirty car?
                                                   large boxes in
                           furniture and
                                                                                                       make a cake?
                   the room.
                                                                                   ... to build and light a fire?
                  a lot of  much     a couple of a bit of
                                                                                                                ...towrap a present?
                3 We've got      _                              green
                                       tomato sauce,
                   peppers and            mushrooms but we haven't       make your favourite drink?
                   got  _       cheese.

             2 O2.1 Circle the correct options to complete the
                                                                                       to -play  tevÿvÿis,  you  vÿeed a couple of
                conversation.Then listen and check.                                    teiA.i'u.s rackets avuk lots oftevwús  balls.
                Ben:     How was your concert, Jason?            ©
                         Did many / muchpeoplecome?
                Jason: No.''Many/ Lots of people asked about                          W     Write about three more activities and
                         tickets, but on the night very 2a few / few               ÿ/  /    what you need to do them.Use
                         people came. It was disappointing.                                 quantifiers. Keep your activities secret.
                Ben:     What a shame.You spent 3much / a lot of
                         time practising, didn't you?
                                                                                     To catch a fish, you.  vÿeed a flshíi-vg  ihÿe  avul a
                Jason: Yes, but we had4no / a little time to
                         practise with Leo,our new violinist. On the                 bit of  meat or cheese.
                         positive side, Leo was fantastic. He hasn't
                         played in public5a few / many times, but
                                                                                             Work ina group. Read outthe things
                         he was brilliant!6A couple of / Few people
                                                                                             you needfor your activities in exercise 5.
                         from the local newspaper wanted to talk to
                                                                                             Can the others guess the activities?
                         him afterwards.
                Ben:     Great! A little / Little publicity would be a                For my first activity, you     vÿeed a bucket,
                         good thing, you know.                                        a special lli-ve avuA a bit  of  meat or cheese.

                          What's different? Work in pairs. Student                                         is It shli-vg?
                          A turn to page 180.Student B turn to
                          page 183. Can you find eight more                                    yes, that's right!
                          differences inthree minutes?

                   ikv  my picture there's a lot  of shampoo.

                          Ikv  my picture there  Isuÿ't  much shampoo.

          12    Quantifiers
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17