Page 15 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 15
!íl3 Read the questionnaire and complete it with the words below.
lots of a bit little many any a few couple a lot
too much too many enough how much how many
love being with people and they __ 7_
do you need?
What's right
for you? More than 50. H A few - three or four. [ ]
About fifteen. Í
of really good friends.
Sleep -
do you need a night?
We're all different. Some people Nine hours. Eight hours. Q
need ÿ lots of friends. For them, Seven hours. (7! Six hours. O
ten friends isn't 1 Other 3 Time alone, but not asleep - is it important to you?
people don't need 2 _ good Yes, I need 8 _ - about two hours a day. ÿ
friends - just two or three. For I need 9_ - about an hour a day. ÿ
them, ten friends is
No. I need very 10 _ - about half an
Tick ÿ the best answers for you hour a day, or less. ÿ
then compare your answers with
4 _ different friends. You'll 4 Chocolate - how much do you eat a day?
be surprised at how different your 11
! I must try to stop.
answers are! A bit, but not much. Idon't eat 12 f~]
*14 O2.4 Readthe questionnaire again. Listen to two people talking about their answers.
Write F for Frank and Á for Alison.
ÿ Who needs a lot of friends? f 2 Who needs a lot of time on his/her own every day?
1 Who doesn't need much sleep? _ 3 Who eats some chocolate every day? _
Tick ÿ your own answers to the questionnaire.Then talk about your answers in small groups.
H-ow friends do you vÿeed?
A couple of good fríe* -ds, Is ewugh for m.e. r Self-evaluation Rate your progress. |
CJ. ÿ U Cj. u CJ-
Really? I vÿttd vÿore \toa*,so. More t haiÿso\ That's a Lot!
Write about the city, town or village where 2
you live.Do you have enough of these things, 3
too much, or too many? Add your own ideas. 4
shops markets pollution buses parks 6
cinemas tourists parking spaces trees flowers
"There are tots of good thu ÿs about towcv. 10
we have a Lot of different shops avÿd a couple of 11
excellent m,arteets, too. i can/t say that we have 12
a Lot of gree s-paces because we doÿ't get \M.uch 13
raí*, here,but there are several i <vlce -partes where 14
people cai/v relax. 15
Unit 2 15