Page 20 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 20

*15 Complete the note with reflexive,emphatic and                  SI8            Work in groups. Ask Yes/No questions
                indefinite pronouns.                                                        to find people who can do these things.
                                                                                            Write their names.
                   Hi, Frank, Julia, Oscar, Ted and Itlarÿ!
                                                                                     CfliA. you  \M,a\ze  yourself cry, >íásy?
                   ftease make   ÿ  yourselves      at home here
                   Por the week.                                                                                         No, Icaw/t.

                   Ive left                    Por ÿour supper in                   CfliA, you  m,atee  yourseLf cry, rzoiÿiÿy?
                   the fridge. I m   sorrÿ there s
                   in the fYuit basket, but the    greengrocer    in it                                                   yes, cai*>.
                   tne village is verÿ good.                                        Findsomeone who...
                   Help  3 _              to the cake on table.                     ...can make himself/herself cry.   -
                   (I  hope ÿou like it. 1 made it  4_ !)                           ... sometimes talks to himself/herself.   _

                                                                                    ...likes going for a walk by himself/herself.
                   There are lots of    interesting places around
                   here. You can   go  5 _              different
                   everÿ daÿi                                                          has hurt himself/herself while doing sport.
                   ÿ  ou dont need to do                     when
                   ÿou leave. Just close the door and leave the                        likes seeing himself/herself in photos.
                   keÿ under the flowerpot.
                                                                                       can make himself/herselfsound like someone
                   E njoM                                                              else  _

                   Catherine                                                           would like something to eat now.     _

                   PS Don't worr about the cat. It can look                            has nothing in their pockets.   _
                   after   8 _              !                                          didn't phone anyone yesterday.     _

                                                                                       can say something in five different languages.

          ;;:16     f    You are Frank from exercise 15.Write                       ... did something special last weekend.     _

                y        a thank you note to Catherine. Include
                                                                                    ...knows someone who has visited lots of different
                         three or more of these phrases.
                                                                                       countries.  _
                   we went somewhere to eat
                   we met someone interesting                                           Self-evaluation Rate your progress.
                   we couldn't see anyone
                   Ted went out by himself
                   he ate something bad
                   Julia found something strange
                   we saw something amazing / strange
                   Unfortunately,Oscar cut himself

                   x>ear Catherine
                   Thawte you! we've had a    wonderful    week
                   Oia,  Monday, we m,et sondeo \ÿe  very
                   i-ÿterestli-vg. H-e...

          *17 Readeach other's thank you notes from
                exercise 16.Who had the most interesting week?

          20    Pronouns
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