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P. 21
Units 1-3 Exam preparation
Readthe text and questions below.For each question,tick A, B, C or D.
white rice ÿ brown rice I recaes A M°i
Rice is one of the most popular foods inthe world.
Rice How much do you know about it?
Uses White rice or brown?
The main use for rice is as a staple food, like Most people prefer white rice, but brown rice
bread and pasta. People eat it with meat or is better for us because it contains more fibre,
fish and vegetables as the main part of a meal. which helps our bodies digest food. It also
People also use rice to make paper, drinks, contains more minerals and B vitamins. Many
snacks, make-up and toothpaste. people don't eat enough fibre, so we should
choose brown rice when we can.
Rice figures
y People have been growing and eating rice Rice painters
for morethan 5,000 years.
Micro artists can paint, draw or carve
y In 2003, the world produced 589 million a design on a single grain of rice.
tons of rice. They use Chinese
JTo produceonekiloof fice,you needaround inkandvety
2,000 litres of water. fine brushes.
y Nobody knows exactly how many varieties
of rice plants there are, but the figure is
about 40,000.
World famous rice dishes
Some popular rice dishes from around the
world include Chinese fried rice,Spanish paella,
Italian risotto and Turkish pilav rice.
ÿ What is the writer's main purpose inwriting this text? 3 Someone has identified the exact
A to explain why people like rice A year that peoplestarted eating rice.
B 0 to present a variety of facts about rice B number of tons of rice that the world
C to describe how people use rice in produced in 2003.
different ways C number of rice plant varieties.
D to encourage people to eat brown rice D quantity of water a farmer needsto
produce a kilo of rice.
1 According to the text, which of these is a 'staple' food?
A \~\ meat B fish C bread D Q snacks 4 According to the text, white rice
A J tastes good in Chinese fried rice and other
2 The'Rice figures' section includes information about
rice dishes from around the world.
A toothpaste made from rice.
B helps our bodies digest food.
B where people grow rice.
C contains lots of minerals and B vitamins.
C rice farming.
D doesn't contain enough fibre for a healthy
D the health benefits of rice. diet, compared to brown rice.
Exam preparation Units 1-3 21