Page 25 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 25
Revision of tenses
I can recognize and use present and past tenses.
Present simple
We use the present simple to talk about regular
actions and states that don't change.
To form the present simple affirmative of the O what are you doivufi
he/she/it form of regular verbs, we add -s to the Q I'm looking at these old -photos. I found
infinitive. them Inthe cupboard.
We use do and does in negative and question forms. CD Ha, ha! you. loote funny Inthat photo!
For more information on spelling rules,see page 189. Why were you. wearing that hat?
C~~ÿ i don't tenow... i was pretending to be a
Regular actions include habits and routines.
She hassandwiches for lunch. prince, i thlnte.
Hedoesn'tplay computer games.
They start school at nineo'clock.
States that don't change include personal and
scientific facts, and opinions.
Hecomes from Mexico.
Kangaroosdon'teatmeat. We can use have or have got to talk about possession.
Hedoesn'tlikereading magazines. Have is more formal than have got.
'Doyou think Max is OK?' 'Yes, Ido.' Ihaven't gotblueeyes. Austria doesn'thavea coast.
Work inpairs.Complete the sentences with $ 3 Work in pairs. Interview your partner
the correct form of the verbs inbrackets. using the questions in exercise 2. Usethe
ÿ Milk comes (come) from cows. present simple to give extra information.
ÿ Tigers don't live _ (live) inthejungle.
The sun _ _ (rise) in the west. f-tas your best friend got blue eyes?
Bees _ .(make) honey. No, she hasn't, she's got brown eyes.
Spain _ _ (have) a border with France.
Pandas (eat) meat.
Oranges _ (grow) on trees. S4 Write about your partner. Use the
Water _ _ (boil) at 90°C. ÿ informationfrom exercise 3.Then read
(have) three sides.
A triangle _ your sentences to other students.
8 This symbol (&) (mean) 'and'.
Julia hasn't got blue eyes.
* 2 Complete the questions with do or does. she's got brown eyes.
ÿ üo _ you watch TV after school?
ÿ r>oes your best friend have blue eyes?
1 _you like football?
2 _ your best friend know your family?
3 _ your bedroom havewhite walls?
4 you helpwith jobs around the house?
5 _ you and your family go on holiday every year?
6 _ your parents speak English?
7 Where you do your homework?
8 What_ your first name mean?
Unit 4 25