Page 27 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 27

Past simple                                                        ni Complete the text with the past simple form of            O

                                                                                   the verbs in brackets.
             We use the past simple to talk about past events,
             states, situations and habits in a finished time period.               ooo
             Mygrandfather travelledaroundSouthAmerica
                                                                                      AMAZING WORLD RECORDS
             in 1972.
             Peopledidn'tdrive cars 200years ago.
             The boxcontainedsome money.                                              SPORT: In 1999, a man from the USA        ÿ  rode
                                                                                      (ride) backwards on a unicyclefor      109  km.
             We use the past simple when we talk about a
             sequence of past actions.                                                FILM: In 2006, an Indian boy     1 _ (direct)
             I hadbreakfast,cleanedmy teethandleftthe house.                          a full-length film. He            (be)just nine
                                                                                      years old.
             To form the past simple of regular verbs we add -ed
             to the infinitive form.                                                  SPORT: In 2010, a Danish man      3 _       (swim)
             James walked here.                                                       under icefor   72m.  He  4 _      (not use) any
             Weplannedthe holiday lastyear.                                           special equipment.
             She studiedFrench.                                                       TRAVEL: InJune 2005, a 71-year-old man from
             We form questions and negatives with did and didn't.                     Japan  5_        (become) the oldest person to
                                                                                      sail around the world non-stop. Histrip
             'Didyou see Amy?' 'No, we didn't.'                                       6_
             7 didn't meet Paul.'                                                               (take) 233 days.

             Many verbs in the past simple are irregular.
             go -> went, eat -» ate,see    saw
                                                                             *12            Prepare questions about other world
             For more information on the spelling of past simple
                                                                                             records. Student A turn to page 180.
             regular verbs, see page 189.
                                                                                            Student B turn to page 183.
             We often use past time expressions with the past
             simple.                                                                         Work in pairs.Take turns to ask and

             yesterday, three days ago, last week/month/year,                                answer your questions.
             in 2006
                                                                             £14             Work in pairs.Guess what your partner
             For more information on past tenses, see Unit 6.
                                                                             *               did or didn't do at different times.
                                                                                             Win two pointsfor each correct guess.
           *9 ©4.2 What did Linda do at the weekend? What                                    Use the words inthe box.
                didn't she do? Listenand tick ÿ and cross x the        O             have    use   see   watch     do                make
                activities.                                                                                             buy    eat
                                                                                     ride   run   sing   paint climb

                   TO t>0 THIS                                                       yesterday    at the weekend      last week
                   T>o my homework.       ÿ                                          last year  in 2011    2009    in 2007

                   Phoi-ve Tai       x
                   C\0 swlmmli'vg                                                    you didn't go swlmmluvg Inst weete.
          a present for Cathy
                   Buy -postcard for    school-project                                          "That's true, two points for you. My
                   Cytt üvüs from, library                                                      turi-v.  Y bu used a com.-pw.ter yesterday.
                   Flfush my boofe
                   Relax!                                                            That's fw>t true. 1 didn't use a computer
                                                                                     yesterday. No polt-vts for you!

          no             Write sentences about Linda's weekend.

                         Check your answers with a partner.

                   Li.iA.da did her homework, she didn't phocve
                   Ta tA-ya.

                                                                                                                               Unit 4    27
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