Page 30 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 30

The present

                   I can usethe present simple and the present continuous to talk about present and
                   future time.

          Present simple or present continuous?

                                          The Leaves are turvuiÿg oravÿe

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                                          Because they loo\z   beautiful

                                                                oh,  yes  ... Isuppose you're right.

             We use the present simple to talk about events that are           We usethe present continuous to talk about events
             repeated or true for a long period of time.This includes:         that are true for a short period of time.This includes:

               habits and routines                                               actions in progress at the time of speaking
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               Pete cleans nis room every weekena.                                 e isn r wearing a rial
               scientific facts                                                  temporary situations
               Lemons don't growincoldcountries.                                 She's helpingHenry a lotthis week.
               permanent situations                                              We aren't learning Frenchthis year.
               We liveon Baker Road.                                             changing situations
               opinions, beliefs and states                                      The lessons are gettingmoredifficult.
               Heloves talking aboutfilms.                                       The leaves are turning orange.
               This productcontains nuts.                                      There are some expressions that mean'now'or'about

                                                                               now'that we often usewith the present continuous:
             We often use adverbs of frequency and other time
             expressions when we use the present simple to talk                these days, this week, at the moment,nowadays.
             about habits and routines:always, usually,often,                  These expressions can go at the beginning or the end
             sometimes, rarely,hardlyever, never; every hourI dayI             of the sentence.
             week/month/year;once/twice/three times an hour¡dayI               He's livingin Spain nowadays.
             week/month/year.                                                  At the moment the computerisn't working.

             We put adverbs of frequency before the main verb                  We can usethe adverb still before the mainverb
             or after be.                                                      with both tenses to emphasize that a situation hasn't
             He'salways late.
                                                                               changed or continues longer than expected.
             We put other time expressions at the end of the                   They stillplay tennis every day.

             sentence.                                                         Why areyoustillsitting there?
             Heneverwastes money.                                              We also usethe present continuous to talk about
             Suzy comes hereon Wednesday afternoons.
                                                                               future plans and arrangements. In these sentences
             We also use the present simple to talk about                      we use a future time expression.
             timetabled future events.                                         I'mmeetingAlison on Fridayafternoon.
             The next busleaves at6. 15p.m.                                    'Areyoucomingon Thursday?' 'Yes, I am.'

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