Page 35 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 35

The past

                   I can talk about past events using the past simple and continuous,
                   the past perfect,the present perfect simple and continuous and usedto.

          Present perfect,past simple, past continuous, past perfect


                                          where have you been? I've been,     j
                                          looteiwz for you everywhere!
                                                                         —--- —
                                                           J  || -                 :         :
                                                              ||  ÿ  (  went to the cluem-a with  "BÍilij.  1
                                             oh. was It a good    film.?  I
                                                            I dovsft teuvow. Billy had  already see vk,  ÿ
                                                            it, so we  Left after five  nÿlÿwtes!      J

             When we talk about the past we usually use more                 We use ever and never to talk about events and
             than one tense.                                                 experiences at any time in the past when we don't
                                                                             specify the time.
             Present perfect                                                 Haveyou ever swum ina river?

                                                                             Harry'sneverriddena bike.
             We can use the present perfect simple (have/has       +
             past participle) to give general information about              We also usethe present perfect simple with since
             recent events or to talk about past events when the             and for when we talk about situations that started at
             time is not specified.                                          a point of time inthe past and still continue. We use
             Haveyou heard?Ted's brokenhisleg!                               since with a point in time and for with a period of time.
                                                                             Anna's hada computer since 2002.
             We use other tenses to give the details of a past event.
                                                                              They've livedthere for fiveyears.
             Tedbrokehisleg when hewas skiing. Hehadonly had
             two skiinglessons.
                                                                             Past perfect

             For more information on the past simple and the past
                                                                             We usethe past perfect to show that one past event
             continuous, see Unit4.
                                                                             happened before another past event.
             We use the present perfect simple to show that a past
                                                                             We can only use when with the past perfect to say that
             event has a connection to the present.                          one thing finished before another.
             Vicky's won!Fantastic!(= I'm happy now.)
             She's worked heresince 2011. (= She works here now.)            When he'dfinishedhis work,hehadlunch.
                                                                             When one short action follows another,we can use the
             Time expressions                                                past simple for both.

                                                                              When she arrived, the meeting began.
             We use the present perfect simple with adverbs and
             time expressions likejust, already, yet,today, still,           We can also usejust, already, yet, never,still, for and
             this week and this year to talk about events that               since with the past perfect.
             happened at some point in a period of time up to now.           Ihadjust startedmy homework when the phonerang.
             I'vetaken about50photos today.

                                                                                                                               Unit 6    35
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