Page 32 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 32

;Í5           Work in groups. How many ways can you finish these sentences?

                         I'mwearing these boots because ...              I'm not going out this evening because ...

                                     Idon't want a pizza because ...                  Fruit is good for you because it ...

                            He speaks Spanish because...                        Iwant to buy that T-shirt but ...

                                             I'm,wearily these boots because ...         ... It's  yrivCi

                                                     ... I'm, Qoiiÿ  for  a walte ii*> the couia, try.

          State verbs and action verbs

             State verbs are a group of verbs which give                  mental processes
             informationabout mental or emotional states                  know,remember, understand, forget, realize, suppose, think
             or about fixed physical properties.We rarely use             Doyou realizewhat dayitis today?
             them in a continuous form.                                   Ah yes, I remember now.
             I agree.                                                     values, properties and characteristics
             'Nightmare'means 'baddream'                                  contain, own, belong, cost, has/hasgot, mean,equal,
                                                                          depend (on), exist, weigh, measure, come from, matter
             State verbs include:
                                                                          Fiveplusfive equals ten.
               opinions and desires
                                                                          Howmuch does that ringcost?
               love,haté,iiké, want, need,believe,prefer, agree
               Toby wants to go now.                                    Action verbs describe events and processes which happen
               I don't needanyhelp.                                     and change.We can usethem in a simple or continuous
               impressionsand sensations
                                                                        Linda cuts my hair. (= usually)
               seem, appear, feel, see, hear,smell,sound, taste
               That doesn'tseem right.                                  Linda's cutting my hair. (= now)
               Doyou heara bellringing?                                 Someverbs have a state meaning and an action meaning.

                                        State meaning                                    Action meaning

                                        = property/characteristic                        = behaviour
                                        She's funny.                                    She's being funny.
                                        = possession                                     = process/experience
                                        Hehas aphone.                                    He'shaving a bath.

                                        = belief/opinion                                 -  mental process
                                        1think she's here.                               What areyou thinkingabout?

                                        = impression                                     = public performance
                                        Itappears to be correct.                        Jess is appearingon TV tonight.
                                        =sensation                                       = physical process
                taste /smell / look
                                        That smells good.                               She's smelling the flowers.

                                        = vision and understanding                       = meeting
                                        1seeland. Isee!                                 I'mseeing thedoctor tomorrow.
                                        - written text                                   = spoken text
                                        What does that sign say?                         What's that man saying?

          32    The present
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