Page 29 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 29

119 Circlethe correct options to complete the first                               Work inthrees. Student A (a TV reporter)
                part of the article.                                                         is going to interview Student B (Henry)
                                                                                             and Student C (Jamie). Student A go to
                                                                                            page 181.Student B go to page 183.
                                                                                             Student C go to page 185.
               Life-saving teenager

                                                                                            Imagine you are Jamie. Write the story
               15-year-old Henry Pulman comes / iscoming/                                   from exercise 19and add extra
               was coming from a small seaside village. He                                  information. Usethese ideas.
               Moves / is loving / loved the water and he
               regularly 2swims / was swimming / swum in the                          What was the weather like?
               sea with his friends.
                                                                                      Why did you decide to go swimming?
               One day, Henry and his friends 3played / play /                        What did the man inthe boat say?
               were playing on the beach when they "heard/                            Howdid you feel when you were back on
               are hearing / were hearing shouts from someone.                       the beach?
               '1 5see / saw / was seeing a boy in the sea and he                     What did you do when you went home?
               6calls / was calling / called for help/ said Henry.
               'He sounded very scared.'

               Henry 7wore / was wearing / iswearing swimming
               shorts. He 8's going / was going / went straight                      Ovÿt  rfnu) I decided to go swimmii-vg li-v the sea.
               into the water while his friends 9called / were                       ihe su.iA/ was shl       aiÿd  ...
               calling / call the emergency services.

          *2C Complete the second part of the article with the
                present simple, present continuous, past simple
                or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

               The boy in the water was 12-year-oldJamie Jones.                         Self-evaluation Rate your progress.                 j
               'At first I ÿ  was eÿjoyiw    (enjoy) the rough sea,'                              &             -é ÿ              ÿ
               Jamie  1_                 (say) later. Then the water                    1
               2 _               (start) to pull me and I got                           2
               frightened, so 1  3 _              (shout) for help.
               'Suddenly 1  4 _               (see) Henry in the                       4
               water near me. I was very happy to see him.                              5
               'The sea here is very rough and dangerous,' he                           6
               explained to me.                                                         7
               'I can't help you swim back to the beach, but a                          8
               man  5 _                (come) here in a boat. He'll                     9
               take us to the beach.' While we                                        10
               (wait) for the boat Henry  7 -                                         11
               to me and   8_                (keep) me calm.' 1  9                    12
               _                 (believe) he saved my life.'                         13

               The experience has had a big effect on Henry.                          15
               'A few weeks ago, I   10 _               (not/ know)                   16
               what job I'd like to do. Now, 1   12_                                  17
               (want) to train as a life-guard. 1
               (meet) a life-guard at the local swimming pool next
               week and she's going to talk to me about the job.'

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