Page 26 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 26
Present continuous
We use the present continuous to talk about situations We also use the present continuous to talk about
and events that are happening at or around the time temporary situations.
of speaking. 'Areyoupreparing foryour exams this week?'
'Yes, weare.'
To form the present continuous we use the present
simple form of be + the -ing form of the mainverb. We usethe present continuous to talk about future
plansand arrangements.
For more information on the spelling of -ing forms,
I'mhavinglunch at Dave'shouse tomorrow.
see page 189.
For more information on uses of the present
We use the present continuous when the situation or
continuous, see Unit 5.
event is in progress right now.
He's wearing a white shirt.
I'mnot using the computer at the moment.
Is the information correct or not? O classmate.The other students can ask
O4.1 Look at the picture and listen. Play in groups. One person chooses a
Say the correct information. three questions to guess who it is.
OK. I'm ready. It's a girl.
is she weaning black shoes?
%7 Complete the sentences with the present
continuousform of the verb in brackets. O
I'mstudying (study) eight different subjects.
In Enqlish we _ (revise) present
\ IV—
Gemma 1— II M a I I I * * V- - V 9 mJ\m j V/ v- -/ V- IIV
and past tenses at the moment.
In literature we (read) short
stories by a Russian writer.
In music I _ (prepare) a piece
for a concert.
In science we _ (learn) about
energy and electricity.
In maths we (do) algebra.
In sport I (improve) my
swimming times. _
In history I (write) about the
kings and queens of Spain.
Mandy _
8 In art,the teacher _ (help) me
with a large painting.
8 Talk with a partner. What subjects are
you studying this year? What are doing
ineach subject? Use these verbs.
ihe suuv's slui*m0.
write read revise learn study
yes, the suck's learn about practise improve design
slduvey's eflÚKvg «ia, apple. "Tfols year I'm, study luxg maths, Bullish, art,
history, geography, lÿformatlot-v techÿvology
No, he Iskv't eatlfvg fli/v apple. auvd science, iÿv maths we're I eflmikvg about
He's eatlctg ai -v Ice-cream. probability. Iia, ei-vgllsh I'm...
26 Revision of tenses