Page 22 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 22
Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Tick ÿ A, B or C.
Thanks for all the old books that
Instant Messaging
you have given us. Please don't
My messages
bring us any more now, because we
A__ J Thank you again.
haven't got anywhere to keep them
Hi Ben
and we have already had to give
I think you should tell a teacher.
some to a different school.
Manor School Library
ÿ Katiethinks Ben should tell 3 A__
his teacher.
B 0 any teacher - it's not important which teacher.
C | her teacher. The library doesn't have enough books.
B The library has too many books.
C The library has few books.
Help yourself
to juicc or Tspoke, -to -the. head-ieaaher
himseJ-f aJxHct Dave's eyajn rescJ-is,
water! and hels going -to -taJk -fo Daves
cJass leather aboici 'rt -tomorrow.
« r« ÿ ÿ ÿ
1 People should _
A take what they want. Tris
B help other people.
C wait for help.
4 A Iris herself is going to speak to Dave's
class teacher.
B The head teacher spoke to himself.
C Iris spoke to the head teacher and no
CONCE one else about Dave's progress.
> haven't sold any Hi Bella
(Because It's no problem. I'll go to the
'/.30pm cinema by myself.
2 A ! Too many people have bought tickets 5 Jenny
for the concert. A will go to the cinema, but she won't
B Nobody has bought a ticket for the go with anybody.
concert. will go to the cinema with some friends.
C Some people (but not enough people) C will go to the cinema with Bella.
have bought tickets for the concert.
22 Revision 1 Exam preparation