Page 28 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 28

Past continuous

             We use the past continuous to talk about past
                                                                             We also use the past continuous to talk about activities
             situations and activities that continued for some time.
                                                                             that were in progress when another action or event
             To form the past continuous we use the past simple              happened. We usually use the past continuous for the
             form of be + the -ing form of the main verb.                    activity in progress and the past simple for the shorter
             'Was Tom wearing a hat?' 'Yes, hewas.'                          action or event.
             We weren't talking aboutyou. We were talking about
                                                                             We often use when and while in sentences which have
             the film.
                                                                             the past simple and continuous together. However,
             For more information on the spelling of -ing forms,             we do not use while with a shorter action in the past
             see page 189.                                                   simple.

             We use the past continuous to talk about activities             Ibrokethe glass when/while I was washing up.
             that were in progress around a particular point of              Iwas washing up when I broke the glass.
             time inthe past.
                                                                             For more information on past tenses, see Unit 6.
             They weresitting here five minutesago.
             She wasn't feeling well at the start of the lesson.
             What wereyoudoingathalfpastsix lastnight?

          *15 Complete the sentences with the past continuous                *1    Write questions using the past simple and past        O
                form of the verb in brackets.                                      continuous.
                ÿ  Leo                    (play) the guitar.                       ÿ  you/talk about school/while you/have dinner
                1 I                  (think) about you yesterday.                     last night?
                2 We   _                (sit) at the back of the                      iúo(  i jou.  tal\z about schoolwhile you were
                   cinema.                                                            haviw dinner last yúaht?
                   You  _                (not/wear) any shoes!                     1 you/listen to music/while you/do/your
                4 Tony   _              _  '(walk) and I                              homework yesterday?
                5 I _                 (not/expect) that!
                6  _                (they/watch) us?                               2 it/rain/when you/wake up this morning?
                7 What                    _
                                           (happen) at ten o'clock?
                8 When Iarrived, Molly                      (leave).
                                                                                   3 you/listen to the radio/while you/have breakfast
          *16 Circlethe correct option.                                               today?
                ÿ  It snowed / was snowing)when I looked /
                   was looking out of the window.
                1 Hefound / was finding the money when he                          4 you/see/anything interesting/when you/travel to
                   looked / was looking for his keys.                                 school this morning?
                2 Imet / was meeting Ryan while Ihelped / was
                   helping his brother.
                3 While we cleaned/ were cleaning the car Ihad /                   5 what/your friends/do/when you/arrive/at school
                   was having a good idea.                                            today?
                4 Tanya dropped / was dropping the plate when
                   she dried / was drying it.
                5 Ithought / was thinking about it a lot while I
                   walked / was walking to school.                                           Work in pairs. Ask and answer the
                6 When Iread / was reading the newspaper Isaw /                              questions in exercise 17.
                   was seeing this advertisement.                                    V>id you talk about school while you

                                                                                     were havivug divÿvÿer last v¿iq¡ht?

                                                                                                  No, Ididn't. I had   diiÿÿer  with
                                                                                                 sister because   yÿy  dad was wor\zivu$.
                                                                                                  we tal\zed about a tv programme.

          28    Revision of tenses
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