Page 37 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 37
¡i- / Complete the sentences with the past perfect *1 1 Complete the text with the correct form of the
form of the verb in brackets. verbs in brackets.
ÿ 'Did you catch the bus OK?' ÿ Have you ever heard (you/ever/hear) of the
'No, it hadjust Left (just/leave) when we got to Tunguska event?
the bus stop.'
On 30th June 1908, there 1 _ (be) a
1 'Was Ronny OK yesterday?' big explosion in Russia. It 2 _ (happen)
'No, he wasn't. Jason _ (give) him
at about 7.15 inthe morning,when many people
some bad news' 3_ (sleep).
2 'How long had you been at the station when 4_
Igot there?' Some people (hear) an enormous
'I _ (just/arrive)' bang and others also 5_ _ (see) a bright
3 'I had to call the police yesterday.' flash of light.
'Why? What (happen)?' 6_
Later,they (discover) that the force
4 'It was nice to speak to Carrie on Sunday.'
_ (knock) down
of the explosion 7_
'Yes, I _ (not/meet) her before.'
about 80 million trees. It 8 _
_ (break)
5 'Did you know about their news?' the windows of many houses,too.
'No, Ididn't.They (keep) it a
secret from me!' It was a very mysterious event. For many years
6 'Did he recognizethe ring?' after the explosion, scientists 9 _
No,he didn't. He (never/see) (not/understand) what 10 _ (happen)
it before.' that day.
Now,scientists believethat a large meteoroid
8 Work in groups. Look at the questions in 11 _ (explode) at about 7 km above
exercise 6. How many answers with the the Earth.
O five minutes. *11 O 6.2 Listen to Oscar talking about his
past perfect can you think of? You have
wlaw did wow. Leave the cinenÿa? experience. Imagine you are Oscar and answer Q
the questions.
because i rem¿ku,b end i had ÿ What kind of experience have you had?
left bag onthe bus. I've beeÿv to tíos-pitaL ina different country.
1 When and where did it happen?
Circle the correct answer to complete the O
conversation. 2 Who was with you?
Ed: Have you seen / Had you seen George
3 What happened?
Frank: No.Why?
4 How did you feel?
Ed: I'was just seeing /'ve just seen him onTV.
Frank: Really?
5 Has it happened again since then?
Ed: Yes. 1 2've had / was having a drink in a café
and theTV was on. Suddenly 1 3've seen /
saw George on a quiz show!
Make notesabout an experience you
Frank: Wow! 1 4've / 'd never been onTV.
have had. Answer the questions in
Ed: No, me neither.5Was hetelling / Had he
exercise 11.Then work ingroups.
told you about being onTV?
Take turns to tell your stories.
Frank: No.1 6didn't know / haven't known
anything about it.
I've seen monkeys inthe wild. itwas
Ed: It's strange...
last sumku¿r when i was travelling with
Frank: And 7did he answer / has he answered all family insouth America. A guide
the questions?
took, us intothe rainforest and we ...
Ed: Idon't know. 1 8hadn't seen / didn't see the
end of the programme! I had to go and get
my bus!
Unit 6 37