Page 39 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 39
Usedto and be!get usedto
We use used to + the infinitive to talk about things We use be used to + verb + ing to talk about regular
that were true inthe past, or happened regularly in actions and habits which feel normalfor us. Be used to
the past but which aren't true now,or don't + verb + ing means'This habit isn't a problem for me.'
happen now. I'mused to gettingupatfive o'clock every day.
The form is the same for all persons,singular and We can also use get used to to talk about things that
plural. are becoming more normal for us.
I usedtoplay thepionoeverydoy. I'mgetting usedto havingbreakfastearly.
Heusedto write funny stories. We can also use be used to and get used to to talk
We use did + useto (NOT used to) in questions and about the past and the future.
negatives. I wasn't usedto living in abigcity.
Didyou use to havelonghair? You'llget usedto wearing auniform.
They didn't use tolikefootball.
;::17 O6.4 Look at the pictureand complete the sentences with used to or didn't use to and the correct form
of the verb in brackets.Then listenand check.
I'm Emily Banning.I'm 79 years old.
I ÿ used to o\o (go) to a big school
in the town centre. Ican remember
it clearly. It was very different to your
school today.We ÿ didn't use to have
(have) a school uniform but
we all wore smart clothes. All the boys
1_ (wear)
The classes at my school were big.There
2 (be)
more than 35 pupils in my class. We
3 (sit)
at big tables. At your school you sit with
your friends, but for us it was one table
for one child. Our classroom was very
simple.There 4_
(be) a lot of pictures on the walls and
we certainly 5_
(have) computers in the classroom or
in the school.
18 ©Oe.4 Listenagain. How do we pronounce £20 ©O 6.5 Listen and check, then listen and
usedto? Tick ÿ a or b. repeat.
a /'ju:st tu:/ ÿ b /'juists/ ÿ O
He didn't use /used to like sport. O
n9 Circlethe correct answers.
ÿ He didn't use to like sport.
1 Ididn't use to have / having any breakfast.
2 She's not used to work / working in public.
3 They wasn't / didn't use to have a car.
4 I'll get used to speak / speaking English.
5 Did/ Were you use to play inthe street when
you were a child?
Unit 6 39