Page 44 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 44

Futurecontinuous and future perfect

             We use the future continuous (subject + will + be +             We use the future perfect (subject + will + have +
             verb + -ing) to talk about situations and events that           past participle) when we predict events that will be
             will be in progress at a time in the future.                    completed before a specific time in the future.
             We'll be walking homeat four o'clock.                           The film willhave finishedbyeight o'clock.
             MrSmith won't be teachingus this timenextyear.                  I won't havehadlunchbeforeI seeyou.
             'Willyou bedoingyour homework atfive o'clock this               'Willyouhavefinishedthatbookby theendof the week?'
             afternoon?' 'Yes, Iwill./No, I won't.'                          'Yes, I will./No, Iwon't:

                                          watching football                                         film finishes

                                              four o'clock                                                     six oc ock

              PAST                    NOW                       FUTURE        PAST           NOW                                 FUTURE

             We'll be watching footballatfour o'clock.                       The film willhave finishedbysix o'clock.

             We can also use the future continuous to talk about a
             single action which will happen because it is part of a
             bigger future plan or schedule.
             Therunners will beleavinghere atsix o'clock tomorrow
             morning. (will leave/are leavingare also possible here.)

          *10 ©©7.3 Listen to the sentences, then answer                     n2 o7.4 Circle the correct option.Then listen
                the question about pronunciation.                                  again and check.
                Hewonf't have eate                                                 ÿ  'Will you stillbeat school atfive o'clock,Tíi
                I'LL have paid for  it by  the\ÿ.                                     'No, I'll be leaving / 'II have left by then. Iusually
                it'LL have flashed by Friday.                                         leave at about half past four.'
                7 hey  woiA/t have vÿet her  before  the party.                    1 'Can I phone you at six o'clock,Jess?'
                                                                                      'Ithink we'll be eating / 'II have eaten dinner at
                How do we pronounce have in future perfect                            six.Could you phone a bit later?'
                sentences? Tick ÿ a or b.
                                                                                      'Of course.'
                a /hxvIÿ         b hvl ÿ                                           2 'Is it a very longjourney?'

                                                                                      'Yes. It will take about six hours but we'll be
          *11 o7.4 Listen and circle T (true), F (false) or                           stopping / have stopped four times on the way.'
                DK (don't know).                                                   3 'How are you getting on, Ryan?'

                ÿ  Tim's going to leave school at five o'clock.                       'I'm afraid Iwon't befinishing / won't have
                   T/F/DK                                                             finished paintingthe wall by the end of the day.'
                1 Jess and her family will finish eating dinner after              4 'Anna's going to NewYork next week.'
                   six o'clock. T/F/DK                                                'Really? She'll be visiting / 'II have visited New
                2 The coach will be arriving in Liverpool at about                    York three times! She's already been there twice.'
                   six o'clock. T/F/DK                                             5 'Are you all ready for tomorrow, Max?'
                3 Ryan's going to finish painting the wall                            'Yes, thanks. Just think! At ten o'clock tomorrow
                   tomorrow. T/F/DK                                                   I'll be flying / 'II have flown to China!
                4 Anna's never visited NewYork before. T/F/DK                         I'll be reading / 'II have read a book or maybe
                5 Max's flight to China departs some time before                      I'll be watching / 'II have watched a film!'
                   ten o'clock tomorrow. T/F/DK

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