Page 44 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 44
Futurecontinuous and future perfect
We use the future continuous (subject + will + be + We use the future perfect (subject + will + have +
verb + -ing) to talk about situations and events that past participle) when we predict events that will be
will be in progress at a time in the future. completed before a specific time in the future.
We'll be walking homeat four o'clock. The film willhave finishedbyeight o'clock.
MrSmith won't be teachingus this timenextyear. I won't havehadlunchbeforeI seeyou.
'Willyou bedoingyour homework atfive o'clock this 'Willyouhavefinishedthatbookby theendof the week?'
afternoon?' 'Yes, Iwill./No, I won't.' 'Yes, I will./No, Iwon't:
watching football film finishes
four o'clock six oc ock
We'll be watching footballatfour o'clock. The film willhave finishedbysix o'clock.
We can also use the future continuous to talk about a
single action which will happen because it is part of a
bigger future plan or schedule.
Therunners will beleavinghere atsix o'clock tomorrow
morning. (will leave/are leavingare also possible here.)
*10 ©©7.3 Listen to the sentences, then answer n2 o7.4 Circle the correct option.Then listen
the question about pronunciation. again and check.
Hewonf't have eate ÿ 'Will you stillbeat school atfive o'clock,Tíi
I'LL have paid for it by the\ÿ. 'No, I'll be leaving / 'II have left by then. Iusually
it'LL have flashed by Friday. leave at about half past four.'
7 hey woiA/t have vÿet her before the party. 1 'Can I phone you at six o'clock,Jess?'
'Ithink we'll be eating / 'II have eaten dinner at
How do we pronounce have in future perfect six.Could you phone a bit later?'
sentences? Tick ÿ a or b.
'Of course.'
a /hxvIÿ b hvl ÿ 2 'Is it a very longjourney?'
'Yes. It will take about six hours but we'll be
*11 o7.4 Listen and circle T (true), F (false) or stopping / have stopped four times on the way.'
DK (don't know). 3 'How are you getting on, Ryan?'
ÿ Tim's going to leave school at five o'clock. 'I'm afraid Iwon't befinishing / won't have
T/F/DK finished paintingthe wall by the end of the day.'
1 Jess and her family will finish eating dinner after 4 'Anna's going to NewYork next week.'
six o'clock. T/F/DK 'Really? She'll be visiting / 'II have visited New
2 The coach will be arriving in Liverpool at about York three times! She's already been there twice.'
six o'clock. T/F/DK 5 'Are you all ready for tomorrow, Max?'
3 Ryan's going to finish painting the wall 'Yes, thanks. Just think! At ten o'clock tomorrow
tomorrow. T/F/DK I'll be flying / 'II have flown to China!
4 Anna's never visited NewYork before. T/F/DK I'll be reading / 'II have read a book or maybe
5 Max's flight to China departs some time before I'll be watching / 'II have watched a film!'
ten o'clock tomorrow. T/F/DK
44 The future