Page 40 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 40

          12    Complete the second sentence so that it means                                Interview a parent or grandparent about

                the same as the first. Use usedto and beor get                               his or her schooldays. If he or she can
                usedto and the correct form of a verb from the                               speak English, use English.If not, use

                box.Write one word ineach gap.                                               your first language. Make notes on his
                  like live           eat   qo   write    be   swim                          or her answers.
                   every day.___                                                              you go to school?

                ÿ  She lived in a flat but now she lives ina house.                           I'd litee to as\z you some questions
                   She used     to       live   in a flat.                                    about your schooldays.      Where did
                ÿ  He swims every day now.It doesn't feel normal
                   for him.
                   He Isn't     used     to      swim,                                        i >id you use to wear a  uniform?

                1 This café was cheap but now it's expensive.
                   This café                            cheap.               124            Write a short report about your interview
                2 They ate with a knife and fork and it didn't feel                         in exercise 24. Usethe past simple, the
                   normal for them.                                                         past continuous, the past perfect and
                   They                                       with a                        usedto.
                   knife and fork.
                3 Igo to school by bus now and it's feeling more                              My grandfather went to       Lichfield
                   school.___                                     to                          The uniform, was    grey  trousers, a
                                                                                              school. He used to wear a
                   school by bus.
                                                                                              white shirt a\ÿd a redjacket.
                4 We sang a lot at our old school but we don't sing
                   much now.
                                                  a lot at our old

                5 Ilike carrots now but I didn't like them before.
                   Ididn't                            carrots.                          5elf--§valuation       Rateyour progress.

                6 You don't like writing with a black pen but it will
                   seem normal soon.
                   with a black pen.

                   W     You are going to interview an adult about

                 /       his or her schooldays. Prepare questions
                         with usedto and the past simple. Use the
                         ideas below.

                  name of school uniform        sports teachers
                  number of pupils in class break time games

                   where did   you qo to school?

                  V>ld  you use to wear a  uniform.?

          40    The past
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