Page 43 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 43
Complete the sentences with the phrases in $ 8 O 7.2 Completethe dialogue with the phrases
the box. O inthe box.Then listenand check. Practise the O
while Iride untilyou press as soon as I see dialogue with a partner.
by the time she gets as soon as she gets Igo I've got are you doing Are you
when she hears about beforeyou eat What about I'mvisiting Shall we I'll come
until you shout'Stop!' while you cook 'II phone Are you going to 'm busy
ÿ It won't start until you-press that button. Rosy .shallwe arrange a time to talk
1 Isabelwill definitely laugh this! about the project together?
2 I'll stop a red light. Lucy OK.What 1 _ on Monday
3 Martin's going to take some photos afternoon?
_ down the Rosy 2 _ my cousins.
4 Shall Iwash the pots and pans _ 3_ free onTuesday morning?
5 Are you going to wash your hands Lucy 4 _ an appointment with the
? dentist at half past ten. 5 _
6 The meal will be cold home. Tuesday afternoon?
7 I'll keep running Rosy: 1 6_ in the afternoon, I'm
8 Rosy's going to change her clothes afraid.
_ home. Lucy: Shall we meet before 7 _ to
the dentist? You can come to my house.
6 Complete the sentences with your predictions Rosy: OK. 8_ to your house at
and intentions. Use the verbs in the box to help about nine o'clock.
you. ask Alice, too?
help get practise play be do buy her now.
learn wear save stop
Work in pairs. Student A turn to page 181.
ÿ When I'mabout 25 I'm going to net a good job . Student B turn to page 184. Arrange to
ÿ !'!! be my brother is 25. dotheactivitieswithyout partner.
ÿ I'm not going to wear a uniform, when Ileave
school. Joday, Weekfl v Todays Week!
1 As soon as I get home this evening I'm going to Monday Thu Monday m.
morning mor- morning mor1
2 Iwon't before I'm21. domy homework
3 When Ileave school I'mgoing to ofternoon Oflí ofternoon oft<
3.00meetSam domy homework
4 When Iwake up next weekend I'l
evening evr evening ev<
7.00cinema withAmy
5 Before I go to sleep tonight I'm going to -
Tuesday 7 Tuesday I
morning n morning rr
6 Iwon't until I'mvery old.
when I'mvery old.
7 I'll _ ofternoon of afternoon "of
8 I'mgoing to as soon as Iget domy homework
a job. evening f evening 7
;:;7 Play in groups.Take turns to read out
sentences from exercise 6 without the Let's go fishing together inthe holidays.
time clause.The first person to guess
the correct time clause wins two points. Cyood Idea. How about Tuesday afternoon?
I'llbe 30 ... I'mgoing to do my homework on
Tuesday afternoon. Ifenow. I'lldo my
you'll be so when your brother is 25"! homework inthe morning and we can
go fishing inthe afternoon.
Tfcat's right. TWo -points for you.
<ÿood idea.
Unit 7 43