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P. 46

Units 4-7                                                    Exam preparation


                Readthe text and questions below.For each                     1 At the age of sixteen, Martin
                question, tick A, B, C or D.                                    A      didn't want to go to college.
                                                                                B _| was teaching football to young people.
              iTlartin Paul                                                     C     ] hadn't got many qualifications.

              Winner of the Young Achiever Award ZO|Z                           D      won the Young Achiever Award.
                                                                             2 What might Martin say about his school sports
              1 won the Moving Achiever Award in ?.0|2, when 1 was              teacher?
              ZO. f\t the time, 1 was working as a football trainer
                                                                                A     ] f He used to give macademic worte.
              with young people in the local community.

              1 left school at sixteen with only a few qualifications.              nf He didn't believe that i was good at sport.
              Iapplied for a place at college but 1 didn t get it.              C ÿ f i didn't lltee his lessors,
              There were nojobs that \ could do. Ihe future
              looked difficult.                                                 D     |  [  1 1 hivdz his style of sports
                                                                                       It valvyivÿ was very good.
              1 m not an academic person, but I ve always loved
                                                                             3 What might Martin say about the football lessons
              sport football in particular. 1 had a fantastic sports
              teacher at school. One day 1 realised that \ wanted
              to develop other people s sporting ability, the same              A   TI f People didn't use to pay me.pÿ
              way my teacher had helped me.
                                                                                B  DÍ    I'm*, i-vot used to people pflu   vÿe.  pP*
              1 offered free football lessons to young people in
                                                                                £ ÿ    Í A 1st ef        wmtsths
              the local community, hey liked my lessons and more                       v lessors wheiA, i started.
              people came. Eventually Ibuilt a team. Ididn t get                 d
              any money but 1 loved the work.                                          f The localcouncil has i ÿever-paid    m,e.

              Then someone nominated me for the "loung Achiever               4 What might Martin say about hisYoung
              Award. To my surprise, 1 won it. It s been brilliant.             Achiever's Award?
              1 still do the football coaching, but now the local
                                                                                A ._]  f it hasn't  chafed \M,y life.
              council pays me for the work.                                                                            JP*

                                                                                 B   ] f it's  already chafed vuy life.ÿ*
              The award has given me confidence. Next year \ 11
              be returning to formal education. 1 ve got a place                C  EH f it's  0oi yvg to chawÿe      llfe/ÿ*
              on a Sports Science course at the local college.
                                                                                 D ÿ   f it Lscv't  0OÍ.UV0  to  chaise vÿy life/pÿ

                                                                              5 What might Martin say about his future?
                ÿ  What's the writer's main purpose in writing
                   this text?                                                   A  O   rTthiiÁÿ   I woiA-'t  eÿvjoy college.ÿP'
                   A     to explain what the Young Achiever Award is
                   B    ] to say how people helped him win the                   B ÿ   C I'm, 0oikv0 flevd    ajob as sooÿv as I c,av>,. ÿ
                      Young Achiever Award
                   C      to talk about other people who havewon                cDC      I'm. 0oi ng to study sports   S-oievÿce/pÿ
                      the Young Achiever Award                                   D I I  [  I'llbe lu/ifuj)  ivÿ  another towiÿ
                   D [ÿ] to describe how he won the Young Achiever
                                                                                       I iÿext  year.

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