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P. 50
The -ing form and the infinitive
I can usethe -ing form and the infinitive in different verb patterns.
The -ing form
We use the -ing form after the verbs try, start and
f I'm.trujli-vg to assemble this bookcase finish.
1 but i do\*>'t fekvow where to beg Lia,. CanI try doing that?
ÿ4 I -
When willyou finishpaintingit?
Have you tried reading the instructions?
We also use it inspend/take time doing something.
Oliver spent three hours fixinghisbike.
We use the -ing form after see and hear somebody
or something when we see or hear only part of an
activity in progress.
I heardyouplayingthepianothis morning when
I passedyour house. Itsoundedreallynice.
(= Iheard part of the process.)
We sawMikefixing the roof. Helookedvery busy.
No. uoofei at them, mofees m (=We saw part of the process.)
feel eve ia, vÿove confused!
We can usethe -ing form after prepositions.
This is a specialbagfor carrying water.
The -ing form is like a noun.We often use it to talk We needto finda way offixing the door.
abeutactivitieswhenwe thinkaboutthe actualprases Mahay'sgoodatdrawingpeop'le.
of the activity.
He's usedto sleepingon the floor.
It can be the subject or the object of a sentence.
This includes many common adjective + preposition
Myfavourite sport is swimming. combinations such as afraidof, famous for, fed up with,
Assembling abook case isdifficult.
interestedin,usefulfor and many common verb +
We use the -ing form after go to talk about sports and preposition combinations such as apologize for, look
other activities. forward to, rely on, succeedin,thinkabout.
go swimming, go fishing, go running, go shopping He's famous for crossing the Atlantic by hotairballoon.
We use it after verbs like love,like, enjoy, don't mind, We use the -ing form after these expressions of
hate,can't stand to talk about how we feel about evaluation:it's worth, it'snouse/good,there's nopoint.
different activities. There's nopoint asking Ronny. He won't know.
I love organizing my DVDs.
*1 What can you see? Complete the sentences ÿ
with the -ingforms of the verbs below.
play chess ski take photos paint
swim skip
ÿ Ican see someone atutía.
1 Ican see someone _
2 Ican see someone
3 Ican see someone _
4 Ican see someone _
5 Ican see two people
50 The -ingform and the infinitive