Page 52 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 52
The infinitive without to and with to 1 Circle the correct option. O
ÿ You must promise be / to be careful.
We use the infinitive without to after modal verbs. 1 It's wonderful see / to see you again.
They shouldtalk more. 2 The medicine will make you feel / to feel better.
We also use the infinitive without to after the verbs 3 They've decided buy / to buy a new one.
make and let. 4 Are you OK? Isaw you fall /to fall.
Why didyoulethim eat that? 5 Jack let me borrow / to borrow his coat.
Don't makemelaugh! 6 We could phone/to phone Milly.
7 Idid it save /to save time.
We also use the infinitive without to after see and
8 That looks impossible open / to open.
hear somebody or something when we talk about a
9 Idon't know what do /to do.
short action or when we see or hear all of an activity. 10 It's not easy for me speak / to speak in public.
Louisebroketheplate!I saw her drop it.
»1 Complete the sentences with the infinitive of
We use the infinitive with to after many verbs
the verb in brackets with or without to.
connected with thinking and planning (like want,
ÿ Can you walte on your hands? (walk)
wouldlike,plan,hope, intend,decide, arrange and
1 What are you planning _
Maryhopes to study engineering. tomorrow? (do) _
2 Are you good at making people "t
I'vearrangedto meetAndrew later.
We also use the infinitive with to to express purpose. 3 How often do you use chopsticks _
I'mgoing to Spain to see my grandfather. rice or noodles? (eat)
Heuseda knifeto open the box. 4 Do you let your friends _ your
books? (borrow)
We use the infinitive with to with some adjectives
5 Do you know how _ pasta? (cook)
{crazy, delighted, difficult, easy, fascinating, funny,
6 Is itever OK _ to someone? (lie)
great, happy,impossible, nice, OK,pleased,right,sad, 7 Is itdifficult for you up inthe
my,surprised;wonderful-, wrong)-. morning? (get)
It'scrazy topay so muchmoneyfor a bottleof water!
I was surprisedto seeyou atschooltoday. * 12 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the
We can also use the adjectives easy, difficult, questions in exercise 11.
impossible with for + someone + the infinitive
with to. *13 'I know how to...'Workinsmall groups.
It'sdifficult for me to answer that question. What practical skills do you have? Use
the ideas in the box.
We use the infinitive with to after verbs like ask,
know, learn, understand + a question word. Change/replace:
I'mnotsure where to putthis chair. a plug/a tyre/a battery/a light bulb
I know howto fix that. Cook/make:
eggs/bread/pizza/pasta/a meal/a smoothie/
ice cream
9 O 8.3 What did you hear? Listenand complete Mend/repair:
the sentences with the infinitive of a verb from © clothes/a bicycle/a computer
the box. Clean/wash:
break catch close drink df©p kick clothes/dishes/a car/a floor/a carpet
open say shout take
ÿ Iheard someone drop a plate. Jflsoi-v feÿows how to chaise electrical-plug.
1 Iheard someone a window.
2 Iheard someone _ a photo.
3 Iheard someone _ a ball.
4 Iheard someone an umbrella.
5 Iheard someone _ a door.
6 Iheard someone 'yes'.
52 The -ingform and the infinitive