Page 55 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 55

Reported speech

                   I can report statements and questions.

          Reported statements

             We can use direct speech or reported speech when we
             talk or write about things people said inthe past.

             In direct speech we use quotation marks and the exact
             words that somebody said.                                                      Theatre
             Martinsaid, 'I'm sorry I'mlate.Imissedthe bus. Itwon't
             happen again.'
                                                                                  Why   is your leg i\*> "plaster?
             In reported speech we give the meaning of what
             the person said, without quotation marks. We use a                               it's fvot real. I'm,actliÿg li ÿ a play
             reporting verb like say (that), tell someone (that),                            fluvd  nÿy  character has a broteen Leg
             explain (that) or promise (that).
             Martinsaidthathe wassorryhe was late. Hehad
             missedthe bus. Hepromiseditwouldn't happen again.
             We usually change the direct speech one tense back in
             reported speech.

             See page 189for a summary of changes.

             However,we don't have to change the tense when the
             reporting is soon after the speaking and the statement
                . a  ÿ
             is still true now.
             'What's the matter with Max?' 'He saidhe'shungry.'
             (= he's still hungry now)

             We also change possessives and pronouns.
             Pollysaid, 'Youcanusemy camera to takeaphoto
             Polly saidthat I coulduseher camera to take a photo
             'Youcan usethese chairs.'
             She saidI couldusethose chairs.

             Time and place references usually change, too.
             Jason said, 7 can meetyou heretomorrow.'
                                                                                 i That's strafe,   whetA,jangle asteed Paul
             Jasonsaidthathecouldmeet me there the next day.
                                                                                  why his Leg's Ifvplaster, he said that
             See page 189 for a summary of changes.                                he's actliÿg Ifv a play  a\A,d his character
                                                                                   has a broken Leg. But yesterday Paul
                                                                                [ told  Cathy he'd   brcteeÿ It o ia,  holiday.

                                 she would help me. O
             1 Complete the sentences with saidor told.

                ÿ  Julia said                                                   5 They          _  him they were coming.
                1 You           you didn't need it.                             6 Kim_          that Edward had to go home.
                2 Beth and Carla   _        me that I'd won a prize.            7 Max.          .he couldn't remember.
                3 He  _        he was sorry.                                    8 You.          Ishould buy it.
                4 Alice           Pete she'd seen Andy.

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