Page 60 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 60

Choose six questions from exercise 12 to                           Use reported speech to write about the
                          ask six different people.Then talk in pairs              f         information you collected in exercise 17.
                          about the results.

                  I asked cÿemma     if she had a garden.                            Iasked     eorge about his music habits. He
                                                                                     told me that he listens to music every day.

                        "E-lILuj asked me what i wore last weekend.                  He said that his   favourite  kind  of  music is
                                                                                     traditional  folk  music, but that he likes all
                                                                                     kinds   of  music.
                          Choose two topics (eight questions)
                         from exercise 12. Interview two different
                          classmates using Can/Couldyou tellme..?
                                                                                             Use reportedspeech to answer these
                          questions and direct questions.Write
                                                                                             questions.Then discuss your answers
                          down their answers.                                                in small groups.
                 ¿ÿeorge, could  you tell me how
                 of ken you listento music?             every day.                    Have you ever asked a stranger for help inthe
                                                                                      street? What did you ask him/her?Was the
                        And what's   your favourite                                   stranger helpful?
                        kind  of  m.usic?                                             What's the nicest thing anyone hasever said
                                                                                      to you?
                                  iLike all kinds  of  music,                         Have you ever said something really stupid?
                                  but my favourite    Is                              What did you say?
                                 traditional   folk  music.                           When did you last ask a teacher something?
                                                                                      What did you ask? What did he/she answer?
                                                                                      What's the last thing you said to someone in
                                                                                      your family this morning?
                  Listens to  music, every day
                  likes all kinds   of  music - favourite   is
                               fette m.tsie                                               Someone once asktd me        i-ÿshe  could
                  Listens...                                                               borrow the shoes that Iwas wearing.
                                                                                           i said no, because ( needed them.

                                                                                        Self-evaluation Rate your progress.
                  L.ibby, do you likeswimming?            yes, do.
                                                                                                                              u u u
                       How  often  do you go swimming?

                                                     once a week.

                   can you tell me    if you have ever swum,...

                  likes swimming
                  goes swimming once a week
                  has swum ...

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