Page 61 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 61

Reporting verbs                               +    object              +    the infinitive

                           I can use reporting verbs to report requests,orders, advice etc.

                                                                            Other reporting verbs include:advise,allow, encourage,
                                                                            instruct,invite,order,persuade,remind, want, warn

                                                                            Sentences with reporting verbs follow this pattern:
                                                                            reporting verb + object + the infinitive form.
                                                                            GemmaremindedDaveto post the letter.
                                                                            Ronnyinvitedusto stayfor lunch.

                                                                            We can makethe reporting verb negative or the
                                                                            infinitive form negative,depending on the meaning.

                                                                              Negative reporting verb
                                                                              Tony said,'Walk to the tree.'-» Tony didn't ask meto run
                                                                              to the tree. Heaskedme to walk to the tree.
                                  WW fW
                                   away                                       Negative infinitive verb (not the infinitive)
                                                                              The teacher said,'Don't run in school!'     The teacher
                                                                              toldmenot to run inschool.
                                                                            These are some of the common reporting verbs:

                                                                            advise       to tell somebody what you think they
                  Did  Ljou  tell lum, to let go  of  the \zite?
                                                                                         should do
                                      No, IckcWt! Iwarded kin<.             allow        to say that somebody can do something

                                                                            msmqt: issay pssitiv©things ta matessmgtely
                                                                                         feel confident about doing something

             We can use different reporting verbs in reported               instruct     to give somebody information about how
             speech to express functions like requesting,advising                        to do something

             or giving permission.                                          invite       to ask somebody to do something or come
                                                                                         somewhere (a party,your house)
             We use the reporting verb ask to report requests and
             the reporting verb tell to report orders.                      order        to tell somebody firmly to do something
                                                                                         (stronger than told)
               Reporting a request
               Tanya said,'Could you shut the door, please, Mary?'          persuade     to get somebody to do what you want or
               -» Tonyo askedMary to close the door.                                     to believe something
               Reporting an order                                           remind       to make somebody remember something
               Ivysaid,'Close the door, Mary!'     IvytoldMary to           warn         to tell somebody about difficulties or
               close thedoor.                                                            problemsthat might happen

             io 1 0.1 Look at the direct speech then circle the correct answer.Then listen and check.                                  ©

                   My friend often says 'Can you wait for me?'              4 The receptionist has already said,'Please don't eat
                   My friend often asks / tells me to wait for him.            here.'                                                  O
                   'Close your books, 'theteacher said.                        The receptionist has already asked / told you
                   The teacher asked / told us to close our books.             not to eat here.

                   I'mgoing to say,'Can you stay?'                             George said,'Don't phone me.'
                   I'mgoing to ask / tell him to stay.                         George didn't tell me / told me not to phone him.
                   Claire always says,'Could you carry the bags,               She's saying,'Talk about it.'
                   please?'                                                    She isn't telling them to write / 's telling them
                   Claire always asks / tells me to carry the bags.            not to talk about it.

                                                                                                                              Unit 10    61
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