Page 64 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 64
Sentences with it
I can use it in a variety of sentence structures.
Helio? who's that?
Icflfv't hear you very well.
it's a really bad Uite!
CfliA, you. speflte louder?
We use it+ be to talk about distance.
We usually use it as a pronoun for things, actions
and ideas. It's about 100km to London from here.
I don't likethis pen. Doyou want it? (it this pen) {There's about 100km to London from here.)
I opened the window. Itwas amistake!(it = opening Itwas a five-minute walk from the hotelto the beach.
the window) We use it+ be to talk about clock time.
'Doyoulike walking in the rain?' 7 loveitV (it = walking It's halfpast ten.
inthe rain)
We use it+take when we say how much time a person
We also use it as an 'empty'pronoun in other sentence
needs to complete an action.
Ittakes me twenty minutes to get to school.
We use it in the following pattern to give opinions.
object time to + infinitive
It be,seem, feel adjective to + infinitive
It 'II take me ten minutes to copy it.
It 's nice to meet you.
It took Ryan two days to get here.
It feels good to be home again.
We also use the same structure but with no object
We use it to talk about a person when the person is
(it takes + time) when we say how much time an
unknown,or when we identify ourselves to someone
action takes for most people.
who can't see us.
Itonly takes two minutes to complete this questionnaire.
'Who's that?' 'It's me, Amy.'
Hello?Issomeone there? Who is it? In questions and negatives we can use it + take
(+ object) + long + to infinitive.
We use it + be to talk about the weather.
Willittake (you) longto fix my bike? (a long time)
It's snowing.
Itwon't take (me)long to finish the book.
It was sunny.
64 Sentences with it