Page 69 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 69

i 6            Use the questionnaire in exercise 5                *11 Are the sentences and questions correct ÿ or           O

                         to interview a partner.                                   incorrect x? Correct the mistakes.
                                                                                   ÿ  Are you tired? Shall Iread you a story?   ÿ
                  who did   you  last seiÿd a emailto?
                                                                                   ÿ  Mary might likethis painting. Let's offer her it. x
                                                 My frievui   violet.                 Let's offer it to her .
                                                                                   1 Shall Iput these pictures inthe bin or shall I save
                                                                                      Alison them?
                  W     'Me and the people around me.'Write
                                                                                   2 Carrie works with children. She teaches them art.
                        about you, your family and friends. Use
                                                                                   3 Ineed the bread. Can you pass me it?
                        some of the ideasfrom the questionnaire.
                                                                                   4 My glasses are upstairs. Can you fetch me them?
                                                                                   5 I'm really hungry.Could you get me some chips?
                  I have a big family,   aÿd a lot  of my   cousins                6 That's a nice song. Can you teach us it?
                  Live abroad, ovÿe  of my cousins offceÿ writes                   7 Jason enjoyed looking at that book today.
                  me letters. A  few  weetes ago she sei/\,t me a Lovÿq               Perhaps you could lend him it for a couple of days.
                  letter ai-vd some -photos.                                       8 You sit there. I'll bring you a drink.

                                                                             ;;:12           Work in small groups. You have five
           *  8 Complete the sentences with to or for.           O                           minutes. How many true sentences can

                ÿ  Imadea paper hat     for    Tim.                                 O        you make with the words below?You can
                ÿ  Let's send these photos _to_ Annie.                                       add adverbs of time andfrequency.
                1 r   leave a message   _        Kate.
                2 Can you give this box    _     _  Jason?                        banks libraries      I  sho|       lend   give make
                3 Shall Ilend €100            Emily?                              some people my friend              tell  sell  write
                4 She's ordered a pizza   _        you.                           chefs    my brother/sister         send cook
                5 I'd like to show your drawings            Max.
                6 I'llfind some socks           Toby.                                money books                  people     children
                7 Let's pick some cherries            Jess.                          presents    stories          me     customers
                                    a                                                I /\ I / A /•  S\            myferate/sistef
                   **•••«ÿ                _ _                                                     I I  I Aff
                8 Shall Ichoose a book             you?                              joKes   emails    letters
                9 You have to throw the ball    _        Iris.                       clothes meals                 businesses
               10 Pass the scissors  _        Frank.                                 postcards things              (my/their) friends

             9 Talk in pairs.Changethe sentences inexercise 8
                to pattern 2.                                                        B.akvfes leiAÿ  mokvey  to -peo-pie.
                                                                                      I've iA<ever giveiA- my brother  flowers.
                   I mflde Tim a -pa-per hat.
                                                                                     My frie  vui seÿt me a present last weete.
                                    Let's seiAA Auvi-úe these -photos.

          *10            012.3 Work ingroups. Close your books.
                         Listen to the beginning of the sentences
                                                                                        Self-evaluation Rate your progress.
                         from exercise 8.The first team to call out
                         the correct answer wins a point.                                                                     w   w  w

                              made TÍm...         A -paper hat!

                                                                                                                              Unit 12    69
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