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Units 8-12                                                   Exam preparation


                The people below are looking for a new club. Readabout eight clubs and decide which club
                would be most suitable for each person.

                                 Kim wants to join a sports club.                               Julia likes spending time outdoors.
                                 She'd like to know how to improve                              She would like to do some physical
                                 her fitness level.                                             activity, but she doesn't like doing
                                 Mandy loves reading. She'd
                                 liketo make some new friends                                   Ronny loves watching films. He isn't
                                 but she finds it difficult to start                            interested in knowing how films
                    DáJj conversations with people.                                             are made but he'd love to spend
                                                                                                time talking about films with other
                                 Tim's already very good at cooking
                                 and playing chess. He'd like to push
                                 himself to a higher level of skill now.

          A   Lightbox FilmClub                                                   The Norley Bookworms
              It's fascinating to discover the techniques that film               The Norley Bookworms is a small friendly group.We
              directors use and to learn about the history of some                meet every four weeks to talk about our 'Book of the
              of the world's most famous films.                                   Month'.

              At the Lightbox Film Club we invite expert speakers                 'I enjoy talking about books with this group, and it's
              to come and talk about different aspects of film                    interesting to have conversations about topics and
              making.                                                             themes that you don't talk about every day.' Heidi

              PhoñéPaúloñ                                                         'Being part of thisfcóok club hasmááé me réáá
                                                                                  books that I might not normally choose to read.' Alex
          B The Rayford Runners
              Running with a group encourages people to stick                     Chess for Beginners

              to a regular training programme.It also helps some                  It will probably take you a lifetime to become an
              people run faster.                                                  expert at this game, but it only takes a few weeks to

              The Rayford Runners meet once a week. We run in                     learn the basic moves.
              groups according to fitness level. Our training coach               At this new club you can learn to play the game, then
              can advise you how to improveyour technique.                        practise playing with peoplethe same level as you.

          C   Gourmet Cooking Club                                                Green Space Club
              Do you spend a lot of time cooking? Would you like                  The Green Space Club is beginning to change our
              to improve your skills?                                             city!

              Well, at the Gourmet Cooking Club you can do just                   We meet at different locations in the city and
              that.Watch a professional chef cook a complicated                   transform waste land into green gardens by planting
              three-course meal - then try to do the same yourself.               vegetables and flowers.
              And you get to eat the food afterwards!                             Give us your time and energy and in return the

                                                                                  Green Space Club will give you an amazing 'eco'
          D Card Craft                                                            experience!

              At Card Craft, we arrange for experts to come
              and show our members different ways of making                   H The Midas Film Club
              greetings cards for special occasions.                              What's the point inwatching a fantastic film and
              You'll be able to learn how to make all sorts of                    thenjust going home? At the Midas Film Club we
              cards. It's amazing just how many different kinds of                watch films on the big screen together, then go the
              techniques there are.                                               cinema café to discuss the film informally.

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