Page 65 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 65

*  1 0 11.1 Listen and number the pictures from 1-6.                4 Match a-i to 1-8.                         O
                                                                                   ÿ  Look at the view!                d
                                                                                   1 What was the weather like?
                                                                                   2 I'mGemma.
                                                                                   3 Did it take you a long time?
                                                                                   4 Do you like skateboarding?
                                                                                   5 How did this happen?
                                                                                   6 Who's that?
                                                                                   7 How long isthejourney?
                                                                                   8 What's the time?

                                                                                   a It's Martin.
                                                                                   b No,ittook about 45 minutes.
                                                                                   c It's five past eight.
                                                                                   d It's beautiful!
                                                                                   e It was cold and clear.
                                                                                   f It's nice to meet you.
                                                                                   g Idon't know anything about it.
                                                                                   h I've never tried it.
                                                                                   i It's a ten-hour flight.

                                                                              *5             Work in small groups.Take turns to say
                                                                                             one of the sentences 1-8in exercise 4.
                                                                                             The others inthe group all give a different
                                                2. \\o*r$ 57minxes                           response, using itwhere possible.

                                                                                               Loote at the view!
             2 O 11.1 Listen again and complete the                                                       It's flmflziiva! I Love it!
                                                                                                          iv* o  r rwi  vr vvj  i vu v ÿ wv.
                sentences with the words below.
                  crazy TV presenter easy far          Jamie                               thifUe it's rflii-vifU} over there.
                  35   perfect

                                                                                6 Cross out the wrong answer.                       O
                   Is it - far to the Sports Centre?
                   It takes me  _   minutes to walk there.                         ÿ  It feels / has/ 's good to be inthe fresh air.
                   Yes, it's  _  !    __                                           1 It's a twenty-minute bus ride/ five-minute walk /
                   Ithink it must be                     _                            half an hour.
                   The train takes about six hours.It's                            2 'What was the weather like?' 'It was a lot of fog /
                                                                                      raining / very nice.'
                   Later we have a very special guest joining
                   us - it's the very popular _ ,Ernie Webber!                     3 It doesn't take long /me a longtime/
                   It's    to find that.                                              a ten-minute bike ride.
                                                                                   4 'Where's the shop you were talking about?'

                          Work in pairs. How far is it to these                       'It's 75 kilometres from here / a map on the
                          placesfrom where you are now?                               noticeboard / difficult to explain.'
                                                                                   5 There's a sandwich on the table and it'sfor you /
                  the nearest supermarket/bank/ bus stop/train                        there's a drink in the fridge / it's a salad inthe
                  station/airport the sea      the city centre                        fridge.
                  NewYork      Paris Tokyo                                         6 'What's that noise?' There's Milly./There's a big

                                                                                      football match at the park./ It'sToby.'
                  How   -far  is itto the nearest
                  supermarket    from   here?

                                          it's about ±oo metres.

                  H-ow  far  is itto New yorfe from, here?

                                          It's a  four- houtr flight.

                                                                                                                              Unit 11    65
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