Page 75 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 75
£ S3 O 1 3.2 Write the sentences inthe correct order. O
1 o 13.1 Listen and tick the correct answer.
How many balls Then listenand check.
ÿ open/the box/we/managed to
can hejuggle? _ O
we vÿavÿacÿed to o-penthe box.
a Two. O 1 play golf/I'd like to/be able to
b Three. 0
c Four. ÿ 2 can't/he/at all/swim
Howwell can Mandy
do a handstand? 3 quite well/used to/be able to/she/play
a Very well. Q
b Quite well. Q * 4 able to/draw/I've/always/been
c Not at all. Q 5 very well/they/do it/couldn't
When were they playing tennis?
a Inthe morning. — 6 speak to Pete/were/you/able to
b Inthe afternoon. Q
c Inthe evening. O
*4 Circle the correct answer. o
Howwell can she swim?
a Very well. O ÿ Can / Couldyou read when you were three?
b Quite well. ÿ 1 He's never been able to / could hear very well.
2 Could /Did you manageto finish it?
c Not at all. ÿ
3 She can quite well speak Italian/ speak Italian
Can Dad fix the gate? quite well.
a Yes, no problem. Q 4 We could / couldn't fix it at all. It was completely
b Yes, but itwill be difficult. broken.
c He doesn't know. [ ] 5 Ican well / easily carry that. It isn't heavy.
6 Suddenly, the goalkeeper moved away from the
DidHeidiget intothehouse?
goal and Icould / was able to kick the ball into
a Yes, through the front door.
the back of the net.
b Yes, through the bathroom window.
c No.She didn't manage to get in. O %5 O 1 3.3 Listen to Jenny talking, and circle T (true) ÿ
or (F) false.
Work in two groups. Make a list. ÿ Charlie managed to climb a tree for the first time
You have five minutes.Which G this morning. T/F
group has the longest list? 1 Charlie couldn't climb very high in the tree at
the park. T/F
2 He couldn't shout to Jenny. T/F
Group I
3 Jenny has always been able to climb trees. T/F
hJhaA tan animals do -thai p&op¡& tari-} do? 4 Jenny was able to help her little brother. T/F
5 Jenny would liketo be able to do rock-climbing.
~£>irds cfliA-fly. T/F
Whai tan p&ople. do -thai compuJ&rs cani do?
Peo-ple cfltA, watte.
Group 3
Ma-} tan people, do ihai animals tarii do?
People can write books
Nha-i tan tompwi&rs do i ha} p&ople. tan-} do?
Computers store lots of information.
Unit 13 75