Page 80 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 80

                                                                                      You can / need to be here at six o'clock tomorrowO
           *  1 Match functions a-h to sentences 1-8.                         *4 Circle the correct options.
                1 You must hitthe ball intothat area,    _    '                    ÿ
                2 You must come for lunch one day!                                    morning.Don't be late!
                3 You can stay here until five o'clock.   _                        1 Ithink we should / have to leave now. It's
                4 You should buy a dictionary.     _                                  getting late.
                5 You have to have a passport to go to                             2 Can I/ Do Ihave to watch the football match this
                   another country.                   _                               evening? I really want to.
                6 You don't need to finish it now.                                 3 You can't / needn't bring your books to school
                7 We have to clean our shoes every day.      _                        tomorrow.You only need a notebook and pen.
                8 Emily has to wear glasses. _                                     4 Attention! You should / must stop at the yellow
                                                                                      line! Do not cross the yellow line!
                a an international rule
                                                                                   5 Farmers have got to / haveto work every day of
                b a family rule
                                                                                      the year.
                c giving permission
                                                                                   6 You can / should take it home.Would you like to?
                d an invitation
                                                                                      You decide.
                e a medical necessity
                                                                                   7 You mustn't / don't have to do that! It's
                f advice
                g a sports rule                                                       dangerous!
                                                                                   8 Sorry.You don't need to / can't wear shoes in
                h free from obligation
                                                                                      the house.

             2 O 14.1 Where are the conversations? Listen          ©               9 Can I/ Do Ihave to wear this hat? Ireally don't
                and number the places 1-6.                                            like it.
                a in a café      _              d on a train     _                10 You mustn't / don't need to pay. It's free to enter.
                b in the street                 e at reception                  5 CompleteJack's sentences with the best words
                c at home        _              f at school                   *
                                                                                   from the box.

           i 3 O 14.2 Complete these sentences from exercise 2                       must    mustn't should       caoÿt   've got to
                with the verb in brackets and a verb from the box.       Q           may    doesn't have to
                Then listenand check.
                                                                                   ÿ  Jack-» his cousin:
                  change    cross    eat   have    have   see    sign                 'We oavs/t            eat sweets at our school.
                  stay   tidy use watch                                               Can you?'
                                                                                   1 Jack -> his teacher:
                ÿ  I c,a\A,'t eat    eggs, (can't)                                    'Excuse me,  _                 Igo to the
                1 You  _             _   inside the building, (must)                  bathroom?'
                2 You  _             _   when the man is red.
                                                                                   2 Jack -» a friend:
                                                                                      'Sorry, Ican't talk now.I.                 take this
                                    a DVD? (may/I)
                                    _                                                 book to the library.'
                4 You                    at the next station, (will have           3 Jack -» his little brother:
                   to)                                                                'No! You _                 play with my phone.'
                                    here? (I/have to)
                5  _                _                                              4 Jack -» Jack:
                6 You               _    a black pen. (don't have to)                 'It's not fair! My little brother _
                7 You                    your room first, (need to)                   get upearly every day!'
                8 I                 _  some tests at the hospital soon.
                                                                                   5 Jack -» a friend:
                   (have got to)                                                                  _
                                                                                      'I think you                  try again.'
                                    your ticket, please? (can/I)
                                    _                                              6 Jack -» Jack:
               10 You                    a short break now. (can)
                                                                                      'I  _              remember to phone Charlie
                                                                                      this afternoon!Why do Ialways forget?'

          80    Necessity and obligation
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