Page 77 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 77
Requests (can,could, would, may)
We use can, could and would to make polite requests. We use Could l/we... ? or May l/we ...? to request
We use them in different ways and with different permission in more formal situations or when we
degrees of formality. don't know the listener.
' CouldI askyou a question?' 'Certainly.'
We use Can you ...? to make simple requests,and/or
'Excuse me,couldwe sit here?' 'I'mafraidthese seats
when the relationship between the speaker and the
are taken.'
listener is informal.
'May we leavenow?' 'Yes, that's fine.'
'Canyoucome with me?' 'Ofcourse.'
We can also use Would you + mind + verb + -ing ...?
We also use Can l/we...?to request permission
to make polite requests.
'Wouldyou mindclosing the door,please?' 'Not at all.'
'Can I useyourpen?' 'Yes, ofcourse'
We can also use Would you...? like Could you...?
We use Could you ...?tomake requests that are more
'Wouldyouclose the door,please?' 'Yes, ofcourse.'
difficult for the listener to fulfill, and/or when the
relationship between the speaker and the listener is To request permission,we use would with mind +
more formal. if I + pastsimple.
'Couldyou do this exercise again,please?' 'Allright.' 'WouldyoumindifI openedthe window?' 'Actually,
'Excuse me,couldyou tellmethe way to thestation?' I'dlike to keepitclosed.'
'I'msorry, Idon'tknow this area.'
*12 O 13.4 Where are the conversations? Listen and *14 Complete the polite requests. Use the word in
numberthe places 1-6. o brackets. Use no more than three words.
a at home _ d ina library ÿ Iwant to come with you! (can) O
b in a restaurant e in a shop can i oovÿt_ with you?
c on a train f in the street 1 Help us with these boxes!
us with these boxes,
£13 Circlethe correct option. please? (could)
ÿ 'Could you pass / passing the bread, please? 2 I want to see your passport!
_ your passport,please?
1 Can you / Would you mindcome here for a
minute? (could)
2 'Can you / 1 sit here?' 'Sure, go ahead. 3 Say that again, please.
3 Would you be/being quiet, please? Would that again?
4 Would you mind if Imove/ moved these books? (mind)
5 'Can I/ Could you speak more slowly, please?' 4 Get me some water!
'Yes, of course. Sorry.' get me some water,
6 Excuse me,would you mindanswered / please? (would)
answering some questions? 5 We want to see the photos.
_ the photos,please?
6 I want to useyour pen. (used)
Would you mind _
your pen?
Unit 13 77