Page 78 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 78

;:-15 Matchthe request (a-f ) and the response (g-l) to               17              Excuses, excuses! Work insmall
                each picture 1-6.                                                               groups.Take turns to make polite
                Requests                                                                        requests.The others must try to
                                                                                               think of as many different excuses as
                a Could you come and holdthe ladder for me?
                b Would you mind turning your music down?                                       possible with can, could or be able to.
                                                                                                Use the ideas below or your own ideas.
                c Could you get rid of that for me?
                d May Iuse it now?
                e Would you give me a hand with these stones?                           lend me some money
                f Would you mind if Iput this in your basket?                           help mewith my homework
                                                                                        help mewith the washing-up
                                                                                        come swimming with me
                g I'mafraid the engineer wasn't able to fix it today.                   speak a bit louder
                   It's still not working.
                                                                                        mendthis bicycle tyre
                h I'll be able to help you later but I'm not wearing                    change this electric plug
                   the right clothes at the moment.                                     carry these bags for me
                i He can't hear you!                                                    get my kitefrom the top of that tree
                j Sorry, but I've never been able to go near spiders!
                k I'd love to be able to help but I'ma bit busy at the
                I No,don't do that! Iwon't be able to see anything!                         Could  you help v*z with this m,aths
                                                                                            hokueworte, please? it's algebra.

                                                                                                                  I'd love to be able to
                                                                                                                  but Cm,  really busy.

                                                                                                I'ku, afraid  i caiVt see Itbecause  (
                                                                                                haven't got m,y glasses with m,e.

                                                                                       I loofeed at Itearlier but
                                                                                        couldn't ut-vderstacvd It.

                                                                                                       Sorry  but (Ve iÿever
                                                                                                       beekv able to do algebra.

                                                                                        Self-evaluation Rate your progress.

                                                                                                                              u u cj.

           £16              Work with a partner. Look at the
                            pictures inexercise 15 but cover
                            sentences a-l. How many conversations
                            can you remember?

                     Could you get rid    of  that for  m.e?

                                         sorry, but I've vÿt\jtr beeÿ
                                         able to go i ÿear spIders!

          78    Ability and requests
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83