Page 81 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 81

;i;6           Work in groups. Choose a job. Can the               Í8                    Work in groups. Look at the

                                                                                                    signs. How many of the rules
                          others guess what it is? Ask questions                                    can you write in five minutes?O
                          with Canyou... ? and Doyouhave to ...?                                                                     ? W

                 footballer    doctor   lawyer    builder    shop
                 assistant   writer   taxi driver   accountant
                 musician     waiter   police officer   nurse
                 Can ...

                 work at home make a lot of money
                 wear whatever you like have long holidays
                 Hasto ...

                 sit down a lot    run or walk a lot   wear a uniform
                 wear smart clothes      retire at a young age
                 write a lot of reports and emails    get up early
                 work in an office    work at night

                     C-ayv  you worte at home?       No, I cai/v't.

                 E>o you have to wear a    ui/wfomc?      No, Idovs/t.

                         Are you. a lawyer?        yes, i Am..                       ENTRY

           %7            Tick ÿ the sentences that are true for you.
                         Then work in groups to find people who

                          ticked the same sentences.

                     I have to make my bed every day.

                                     Ihaveto help clean the house.

                     I don't have to help with the cooking.

                                     I'vegot to havea haircut soon.

                         Imust tidy my bedroom this evening!

                                      need to go to the librarysoon.

                A  Ican't watch more than three
                   hours'television every day.

                                                                                     you m,us tiÿ't  parte here.
                        can't go out with my friends every evening.
                                                                                     you caÿ   cycle here.

                    have to matee my bed every day.

                                      That's the same as me!   Avÿd
                                      i haveto help cleavethe house.

                                i dofv't have to do that.

                                                                                                                              Unit 14    81
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