Page 84 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 84
Plans, predictions and guesses
I can use modal verbs to discuss plans,to make predictions and
to speculate and guess about present situations.
Making plans (shall, could, would)
CD <shall we tatee a taxi?
CI "rtiflt would be expensive.
CD "There fw-lght be a bus.
QThere woiA/t be auvy
buses at this tliÿe of I
CD we could walk.
Q I doÿv/t fewow ... we
mi,0ht get lost, we
could aste som¿ofve
for directions.
CD Shall I aste that tflxl
driver? H-e i-uust tei/vow.
QThat would be 0rea t.
A modal verb shows the speaker's attitude or opinion We use would in I'dlike to...and Wouldyou like to ...?
towards a fact, event or activity. to talk about preferences for plans.
We couldtake a taxi, (suggesting a plan) What time wouldyou liketo start?
That taxidriver must know, (making a guess) I'dlike to stay at home this afternoon.
We mightget lost, (making a prediction)
We useThat + would/wouldn't be when we respond
We use the modalverbs shall, could and would when to suggestions for plans.
we suggest and discuss possibilities for future plans. © That would benice/great/ wonderfull/fantastic!
© That would begood/better/the bestthing todo!
We use could inthe affirmative form when we suggest
different possibilities. © That would bedifficult/very expensive.
© That wouldn't beeasy.
We couldwatch TV. You coulddraw thepictures.
As well as the modals shall, could and would, we also
We use Shall we ...? and Shall I...? when we ask
use Let's... and Why don't ...? to make suggestions
questions about plans.
and plans.
What time shallwe meet?Shallweleavesoon? Let'sstop at five o'clock.
To reply to questions with shall we usually use Let's... Why don't we go to the beach?
or How about ...?
'What shallwe do?' 'Let's phoneMartin.'
or 'HowaboutphoningMartin?'
io 1 5.1 Listen.What are the peopletalking about? Match conversations 1-6 to a-f. O
a a room _ d an afternoon activity _
b a piece of homework e a visit to a friend
c a holiday _±_ f a broken vase _
84 Plans,predictions and guesses