Page 88 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 88

i14     Circle the correct option.                     o          ;;:16 ©O15.7 Listen again and answer the question            O

                ÿ  I'm not sure.You must / might / can't be right.                 about pronunciation.
                1 His birthday can't / might / must be on the 3 1st                How do we pronounce might have,must have and
                   April.There are only 30days in April.                           can't have?
                2 He must / could / can't be a doctor.We don't                     a /mait hicv/      /mAst hicv/      /ku:nt h<ev/
                   really know.
                                                                                   b /maitov/       /mAStov/      /kumtov/
                3 Ididn't see them on the bus.They must walking /
                   walk / be walking to school today.
                                                                             ::;1 7          Work in groups. Followthe story trail.
                4 The post office might / must / could not be open
                   at this time of day.                                            1 Read part one of the story.
                5 It's got black and white stripes, so it must /
                   can't / might not be a zebra.                                     There's a man called
                6 'Why is he asleep at eleven o'clock in the                         Edward who has
                   morning?' 'He might not sleep / might not be
                   sleeping / must not be sleeping.'                                 a job that he loves.
                                                                                     He works outside.
                7 £1000! You can't havejoked / must bejoking /
                   might have beenjoking!                                            He likes animals,
                8 Were you OK yesterday? You must havefelt /                         but he doesn't work
                   might feel / can't befeeling cold without                         with animals.
                   a jacket.
                9 He must have broken / can't have been
                                                                                   2 What's Edward'sjob? Guess from thejobs in the
                   breaking / can't have broken his leg.Look -
                   he's walking fine!                                                 box.Use can't, might or could.
               10 Where did he get that cake? He must buy /                          shop assistant    zoo keeper    artist   farmer
                   have bought / have been buying it.                               traffic warden cook       office worker    gardener

          *15 O 15.6 Complete the sentences withthe               ©                  librarian  builder    taxi driver  fisherman
                         fóím the mbsinbátete.Tten                                   Wt        fee 5 coofe.         ooúláfe2 3 fe'úiláer.
                listen and check.
                ÿ  The lesson was at nine o'clock. He was at the                   3 Now turn to page 181for part two of the story.
                   dentist's at nine o'clock.
                   He can't have been   _ (be) at the lesson.
                1 You had your bag on the bus. Now you don't
                   have it.
                   You  _                          (must/leave) it on              P    Self-evaluation Rate your progress.                j
                   the bus.                                                                       y»
                2 Shethinks it really happened but she was asleep.                      1
                   She                             (must/dream).                        2
                3 They wanted to come.They didn't come.
                   They  _                          (might/change)                      3
                   their minds.                                                        4
                4 He was talking about it yesterday and he wrote
                   it on his hand.
                   He _                           (can't/forget).                       7
                5 The ground was dry. Now it's very, very wet.
                   It                            (must/rain)                            9
                6 It was working. Now, it isn't working.                              10
                   Oh dear.We    _ (might/                                            11
                   break) it.
                                                                                      17                                                  j

          88    Plans,predictions and guesses
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93